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December 2010

To top another great year for us here at Newlaithe we have received confirmation that not only has
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM
qualified for this years prestigious Dog of the Year Competition,
but based on points accumulated at all 2010 Championship Shows he is the UK's
Magical Trick
has also exceeded our expectations as although only attended a few shows this year due to
campaigning On Target he is still within the Top 20 Top Winning Males

30th December - NSFKA
The very last show for us in 2010 at Newark Showground - NSFKA
Our Judge today was Mr Jeff Horswell who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design second in Post Graduate
and Magical Trick won Open, BEST OF BREED and WORKING GROUP 3
Newlaithe Fast 'n Furious, handled by Sarah, won Junior
A lovely way to the end the year

Targeted by Newlaithe wins
Minor Puppy Dog followed by his first RESERVE CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE
He then went on to win BEST MINOR PUPPY IN GROUP
Well done Target and of course Dave & Faye

11th December - LKA
The last Championship Show of the year at the ever delightful NEC venue (such a trek and with 2 of us taking 6 dogs on the bus around the venue what a start to the day!!)
Our Judge today was Mrs Linda Carnaby who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design reserve in Yearling and Magical Trick won Post Graduate
In the Challenge we were delighted to win Magical Trick's third RESERVE CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE
What a great end to another year

4th December - Cotswold Boxer Club CH Show

Following 4 hours of drive clearing the day before we decided to make the trek to Coventry
Not a long journey for us but with the snow as bad as it is up here not an exciting thought - however in Coventry the snow was sparse!!
Our Dog Judge today was Mrs Marion Seeney who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design second in Undergraduate, Magical Trick second in Post Graduate
and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM VHC in a strong Limit Class
Our Bitch Judge was Mr Jim Reynolds from Canada who awarded Stolen Melody third in Undergraduate and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM made
her debut in Veteran and took second

CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM - in her first Veteran Class still looking well

Newlaithe Lilibet with Paxis and Signature by Newlaithe, owned and handled by Vicky Mewett, both had a good day
Lilibet won VHC in Post Graduate and Signature took a super VHC in the largest class of the day - Limit (26 entries)

November 2010

Paxis Conjuror's Apprentice at Valeska
(Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe x Newlaithe Lilibet with Paxis)
wins his first Reserve CC at just 5 months old - well done to all

20th November - South Wales Boxer Club CH Show
Our judge today was Mrs Amanda Jinks who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design third in Yearling and Newlaithe Fast 'N Furious third in his last Puppy class
We also received news of our beaming star in Australia
Targeted by Newlaithe wins Best Baby Puppy in Group (116 entries) at his very first show
What a fantastic start to his career

14th November - Merseyside Boxer Club Open Show
Well all in all this weekend has to have been one of the best
A local open show today in Liverpool where our Judge was Dr Margaret Bayes (Docrema)
Newlaithe Conjured Design took second in a good Post Graduate class and Magical Trick won Open
Pure Illusion, handled by Sarah, took third in Open Bitch and Newlaithe Fast 'N Furious for the other Sarah (!!) took second in Puppy (and won his class in the Special Puppy Event earlier in the day)
Sezflo Pure Faith won a super Puppy Walk class of approx 15 puppies ranging from 12 weeks to 6 months, judged on the day by Kerry Hobson
(Pure Faith is sired by Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM out of Pure Illusion over Newlaithe)
Later in the day Magical Trick challenged for Best Dog and won and then to top it all of challenged the Best Bitch and won
Two Shows, Two Dogs - Two Best in Shows - I need to rest now!

13th November - South Western Boxer Club CH Show
WOW What a great day - not having anyone entered in the younger classes we set off late (for us!!), arrived chilled and ready to go
Our judges today were Miss Jean Lanning (Dogs) and Mr Karl Eric Johannson (Bitches)
First in was Stolen Melody who took third in Novice, Magical Trick took a great second in Post Graduate
CH Designed For Looks made a rare appearance and loved strutting around the ring in Open - unplaced but she enjoyed herself immensely
Our star for the day was Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM who won a super Limit class (25 entries - the largest of the day) then really stepped up in the Challenge to win his second
then it was back in the ring to challenge the Bitch CC Winner and we were thrilled to win
jointly agreed by both judges - thank you to both the judges and to all our friends for all their support and congratulations

Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM pictured here winning Best In Show
with Judge Miss Jean Lanning

Paxis Conjuror's Apprentice at Valeska
(Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe x Newlaithe Lilibet with Paxis)
attended his first Show over the weekend in New Zealand for his new Owners at Valeska Boxers
At just 5 months old he put on a sterling performance and won Best Baby Puppy Dog
What a great start to Barney's Show Career - well done to all

October 2010

29th October - Midland Counties CH Show
Another easy day today with only two of our Dogs entered under our Judge Mrs Sue Ballinger
Magical Trick took third in Post Graduate (14 Entries) and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM third in Limit (15 Entries)
Magic Wand over Newlaithe also won second in another super Puppy Class for Claire - well done again!
And litter brother Magicians Wonder a very nice reserve in Junior for Loretta

16th October - London & Home Counties Boxer Club CH Show
A long trek (in the dark) down to Guildford today where our Judges were Mrs Wendy Brooks (Dogs) and Mrs Jean Watson (Bitches)
Newlaithe Conjured Design won Debutante, Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM third in a very strong Limit class
and CH Newlaithe Look At Me took second in Veteran
Other Newlaithe dogs had a great day Magic Wand over Newlaithe with Claire won a super Puppy Class and qualified for Crufts 2011
Well done Claire & Lola, and So Attractive took a super second in Post Graduate

3rd October - L&HC Boxer Club Rally
Magician's Wonder with his owner Loretta Harris, won 9-12 Month Puppy Class and went on to win BEST PUPPY
He also won Novice and RESERVE BEST OF BREED
The Judge today was Mr Nigel Emmerson
Super result - Well Done Branston & Loretta

3rd October - Westbury Kennel Association, Inc. Show, Oyster Bay - New York, USA
Newlaithe Enchantment won her 1st Point (towards her Championship) under Judge Mr. William F Hossler
'Darla' is litter sister to Newlaithe Conjured Design and is owned by Sandie Dietz (SBK)
Darla was expertly handled, yet again, by Kim Pastella Calvacca
WELL DONE Darla, Sandie & Kim

2nd October - Trent Boxer Club CH Show
As the All-Breed CH Shows start slowing down this was our first Club CH Show held at Newark
Our Judges today were Veronica Feaver (Dogs) and Greg Dowell (Bellchime)
Newlaithe Conjured Design won Novice, Stolen Melody second in Novice and So Attractive third in Post Graduate
Our little star today was Targeted by Newlaithe who went for his first day in the 'Show Scene' entered in Special Puppy Walk
This class had been put on for puppies between 4 and 6 months of age and was judged by Mrs Annabel Zammit
In the class 'Target' was by far the youngest baby but put on a sterling performance to take Reserve place
He loved it and we were delighted by all the super comments we received afterwards about him

Photo taken at 11 weekS (left) and at The Special Puppy Event at 4 months (Right)

September 2010

30th September - Driffield CH Show
The final outdoors show for the year and unbelievably the weather was warm and sunny!!! Our judge for the day was Mrs Christina Chapman
We only had two entered today so another easy day - Newlaithe Conjured Design took second in a good Yearling class and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM won a fantastic Limit Class
Newlaithe Fast 'n Furious took VHC in a good Puppy class followed by a super second in the Puppy Stakes judged by Mr Paul Harding, Magicians Wonder reserve in Puppy, Retro by Sezflo a great second in Junior, Signature VHC in Post Graduate and So Attractive won another lovely Post Graduate class
A good day had by all Newlaithe

25-26th September - Irish Boxer Club SH Show & Belfast CH Show
So the weekend starts - after having a slight hiccup on the Ferry and sailing in a circle for 3 hours in the Irish port we finally docked and made our way up to Belfast
Our first Show on the Saturday was the Irish Boxer Club judged by Mrs Janice Mair who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design VHC in Yearling, Magical Trick third in Post Graduate, Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM VHC in Limit and Newlaithe Magic Spread reserve in Puppy
Our second show on the Sunday was Belfast CH Show judged by Mr Malcolm James, we only entered 2 boys as the classification wasn't very big and everyone would have been in the same class!!!
Newlaithe Conjured Design went away unplaced (in Post Graduate) but Magical Trick won a super Limit class and went on to win his second
With an uneventful Ferry journey home (no unnecessary circles in the water!!) - we finally made it home at midnight on the Sunday evening

18th September - Darlington CH Show
Only one dog entered here today under Mr Bob Gregory - easy day!
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM won Limit and also third in the Open Stakes under Mrs Peggy Bailey

12th September - Richmond CH Show
The weather held out for us today at Loseley Park, Guildford where our judge was Mrs Barbara Murray
Magicians Wonder took a super second in Junior (whilst still under 12 months), Newlaithe Conjured Design reserve in Yearling and Newlaithe Magic Spread still without a brain, took reserve in Puppy

* * * OVERSEAS NEWS * * *
Newlaithe Enchantment (litter sister to Newlaithe Conjured Design) won 3 Bitch Reserve Winners at her 1st weekend back out in the ring 
September 3rd at the Newton K.C. show under Judge Dr. Robert A. Indeglia in Augusta, New Jersey
September 4th at the Newton K.C. show under Mr. Ramon Valenzuela Podesta in Augusta, New Jersey
September 6th at the Schooley's Mountain K.C. show under Judge Mr. Paul F. Willhauck in Morristown, New Jersey
Darla was expertly handled by Kim Pastella Calvacca
Well Done to Sandie Dietz (SBK) Darla's owner and to Kim for handling her so beautifully
* * * * * *

4th September - City of Birmingham CH Show
What a day Newlaithe had today - very busy but well worth it!! Our judge today was Mr Stuart Mallard (Tuckles)
We started with CH Newlaithe Look At Me who won Veteran Dog, Newlaithe Fast 'N Furious took VHC for his owner Sarah in Minor Puppy
Retro by Sezflo won third in a super Junior class. Newlaithe Magic Spread put on a sterling performance (although her brain was not in gear today!) and won reserve in Minor Puppy, Magic Wand won a fantastic VHC in a big Puppy class for her owner Claire, Stolen Melody won second in a strong Graduate class and Signature reserve in Post Graduate
We also won reserve in a good Veteran Stakes judged by Mr Bob Gregory with CH Newlaithe Look At Me
But our star for the day, yet again, went to Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM who won a super Limit Class and then showed his socks off to win another
(He now has 1 CC and 5 Reserves)
What a super day for all and well done to Sarah & Lex (Fast 'N Furious) and Claire & Lola (Magic Wand)

August 2010

29th August - Scottish Kennel Club CH Show
A long, long journey up to Edinburgh for today's show where our judge was Mrs Margaret Wildman
We only entered 2 dogs today but other Newlaithe dogs were present and had a great day
Newlaithe Fast 'N Furious won third in Minor Puppy for his handler Sarah Fielding which qualified him for CRUFTS 2011 - Well Done Sarah
Stolen Melody took second in Novice and CH Newlaithe Look At Me third in the Veteran Stakes
Our star for the day was Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM who won a super Limit class followed by the

21st August - WELSH CH Show
Not my favourite journey of the year but hey ho eventually we made our way through the hills, up and down, round and round!!!
Our Judge today was Mrs Pat Heath (Seefeld) who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design reserve in Junior, Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM reserve in Limit
Newlaithe Magic Spread third in Minor Puppy and our star today was So Attractive who won a super Post Graduate class

14th August - Bournemouth CH Show
WOW - such a long way for us today but what a super result for us here at Newlaithe under our Judge for the day Mr Derek Smith
Firstly Magicians Wonder took third in his first Puppy class qualifying him for Crufts 2011 - absolutely delighted for his owner Loretta Harris
Newlaithe Conjured Design went back into the ring today after a short break and took second in Junior
Magical Trick took second in Post Graduate and Newlaithe Magic Spread VHC in Minor Puppy
Our star for the day was Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM who won a super Limit class and then showed his socks off in the Challenge
Thank you to our Judge for such a wonderful day

2nd August - Paignton CH Show
A long (long, long) way to Exeter for our judge today, Mrs Wendy Mitchell
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM won a super Post Graduate Class (his last one as he has now won his way out of Graduate & Post Graduate)
Although Newlaithe Magic Spread showed well was sadly unplaced

1st August - British Boxer Club CH Show
Held at The KC Building, Stoneleigh - not my favourite place but the show must go on!!
CH Newlaithe Look At Me took second in Veteran under Mrs Marion Spavin
Stolen Melody took second in Novice under Mr Ian Basnett

July 2010

26th July
A very sad day here at Newlaithe - we had to say goodbye to
CH Winuwuk Inspiration of Newlaithe

'Poppy' had reached the grand old age of thirteen and a half
Throughout her life she was a star in the show-ring winning 5 Challenge Certificates and 1 Reserve
She produced our own Newlaithe Dusty Nation and has been a constant companion to Christine and her best mate Louie Lila
She will be deeply missed by both of us and all her four-legged pals

~x~ RIP Poppy ~x~

23rd July - Leeds CH Show

A local show today at the beautiful Harewood House - the weather was yet again good for us (if even a little too hot!)
Our Judge today came from Southern Ireland, Mrs Shirley Butters (Mindenwood)
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM won a super Post Graduate class and Magical Trick third in Limit
Stolen Melody took third in Novice and So Attractive third in Post Graduate

18th July - National Working CH Show
Down to Malvern today where our Breed Judge was Mrs Lesley Wearing
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM took reserve in Post Graduate, CH Newlaithe Look At Me won Veteran
and although Newlaithe Magic Spread didn't do anything in her Breed Class she took reserve in the Minor Puppy Stakes
under Mr Stuart Band out of an entry of 40
So Attractive took third in Post Graduate and her litter brother Very Attractive won Post Graduate

Elsewhere Newlaithe Fast'N Furious with his new owner Sarah Fielding went to a local Open Show and won Puppy followed by Best Puppy in Breed and
then went onto take WORKING PUPPY GROUP 3
Well Done Sarah & Lex

9th July - East of England CH Show
An absolutely scorching hot day at Peterborough today where our Breed judges were Mrs Wendy Brooks (Bitches) and Mr Greg Dowell (Dogs)
Newlaithe Magic Spread won second in Minor Puppy and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM reserve in Post Graduate Dog
Stolen Melody won Novice
After the Breed judging we took part in the Stakes classes, as the Society had put good prize money down there were a lot of entries
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM took part in the Post Graduate stakes under well respected all-rounder Mrs Liz Cartledge and our of an entry of 64, with most turning up, pulled out all the stops to win the class which was absolutely fantastic - together with prize money of £100!!

3rd July - Windsor CH Show
Once again we were in The Queens Gardens (and she was in!!)
We only entered our youngest today Magic Spread who made the cut in a large Minor Puppy class but no more - I think the heat got to her a little
So Attractive took a good third in Post Graduate and her litter brother Very Attracted the same

June 2010

27th June - Blackpool
Only one dog entered today under our Judge Mr Nigel Rallings
Magical Trick, kindly handled by Sarah Pearce due to Christine puppy-sitting and myself working in Denmark at The World Show, took third in Post Graduate
Newlaithe Fast'N Furious made his debut in the Championship Show scene and was a respectable VHC in Minor Puppy for his new owner Sarah Fielding
Sarah Pearce also took a super third in the PetPlan Junior Stakes with her own Retro by Sezflo (a Conjuror Puppy) out of an entry of 38

19th June - Border Union
A long trek up to Scotland for a summery, if not a bit windy, day
Our Judge today was Mr Frank Wildman who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM a super first in Limit and Newlaithe Magic Spread won Minor Puppy Bitch - what a super start for our latest edition
Stolen Melody took second in Novice

12th June - Three Counties CH Show
Making her debut today was Newlaithe Magic Spread who although was a little tyrant on the move took a lovely third in a class of 15 to qualify her for Crufts 2011 on her first outing
Signature took a super second in Post Graduate for her owner Vicky Mewett

12th June - Honley Canine Open Show
Newlaithe was in the capable hands of Sarah Pearce & Sarah Fielding today
Newlaithe Fast 'N Furious, owned by Sarah Fielding and is litter sister to Newlaithe Magic Spread won Best Puppy in Breed and WORKING PUPPY GROUP 2 at his first ever show and Retro by Sezflo, owned by Sarah Pearce, won BEST OF BREED
Both are sired by Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe
Well Done Girls (& Boys!)

6th June - Southern Counties CH Show

What a super day for Newlaithe - our judge today was the highly renowned Danish All-Rounder Mr Ole J Staunskjaer
Newlaithe Conjured Design took second in Junior, Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM won a fabulous Post Graduate class (with the highest entry of the day - 22 dogs) and Magical Trick second in Limit
Magician's Wonder took reserve in Minor Puppy which was a great result for his new owner Loretta Harris
Maggie's Music took third in Puppy which has qualified her for Crufts 2011 - a puppy sired by Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe and now with her new owners Adam & Laurie
Signature by Newlaithe continued her winning ways by taking first in Graduate and our star for the day was So Attractive who won a super Post Graduate class and pulled out all the stops in the Challenge to take the RESERVE BITCH CC
What a great day - and the sun shone brightly!

May 2010

30th May - Bath CH Show
A lovely show today where our judge was Mrs Sue Searle
Newlaithe Conjured Design took second in Junior and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM won a super Limit class
In the Challenge we were delighted to take RESERVE BEST DOG in the Challenge, only beaten (once again) by the current top winning Boxer

21st May - SKC CH Show
A very long trek up to Edinburgh where our judge today was Mrs Jan Baxter
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM took reserve in Post Graduate

9th May - Birmingham National CH Show
Although we weren't entered ourselves Newlaithe had a great day
CH Newlaithe Look At Me took a super second in the Veteran Stakes out of an entry of 27 under Mr Michael Coad
In the breed Signature by Newlaithe, handled by Vicky (Paxis Boxers) won a super Graduate class under Fearn Pynegar and Stolen Melody third in Novice
Magician's Wonder (now owned by Loretta Harris) and Magic Wand (owner by Claire Morris) made their Championship debuts in Minor Puppy Dog & Bitch respectively, both having an entry of 13, unfortunately neither were placed today but put on a sterling performance and we wish them both the best of luck for the future

1st May - Tyne, Wear & Tees Boxer Club CH Show
The last Club Championship Show for a few months, where our Judges were Mr J MacManus (Dogs) and Mrs S Malcolm (Bitches)
Newlaithe Conjured Design took a lovely second in Junior, Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM third in Post Graduate, CH Newlaithe Look At Me reserve in Veteran and CH Designed for Looks reserve in Open
(This was CH Designed for Looks last appearance as she is now retiring from the ring, alongside CH Just Stunning, for maternal duties)

April 2010

25th April - WELKS CH Show
The first of our outside shows for the season where the weather was lovely (for a change!)
A very easy day today with only 2 dogs entered and one extra to handle
Our Judge today was Mrs Pam Broughton who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design third in Junior and CH Designed For Looks reserve in Open
Our star for the day was So Attractive by Newlaithe (owned by Sue Lott) who won a super Post Graduate class and qualified, in great style, for Crufts 2011

18th April - Merseyside Boxer Club CH Show
The last of the local Championship Shows for us in Liverpool
Our Dog Judge was Miss Ann Wildman and Bitches Mrs Marion Cowan
Newlaithe Conjured Design won Novice, Magical Trick won Post Graduate with Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM second (in Post Graduate)
CH Designed For Looks third in Open
Retro by Sezflo (handled by Sarah and sired by Conjuror) won a super Junior class and as not out of Puppy challenged the Minor Puppy & Puppy winner to win BEST PUPPY DOG and RESERVE BEST PUPPY IN SHOW - Well Done Sarah
Our star of the show today was CH Newlaithe Look At Me who continued with his winning streak in Veteran and went on to win the RESERVE CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE at almost 8 years of age

11th - Northern Boxer Club CH Show
Another local show today with only two dogs entered - easy day!
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM third in Post Graduate under Michael Quinney
CH Newlaithe Look At Me won another Veteran Class followed by BEST VETERAN IN SHOW

April 4th - Mancunian Boxer Club CH Show
A local Championship Show today for us in Manchester - our Judges were Mr Jeff Luscott (Dogs) and Miss Christine Ellingworth (Bitches)
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM won a super Post Graduate class and absolutely delighted us in the Challenge by taking the RESERVE DOG CC his third to date
We didn't have any of our own girls entered but handled Stolen Melody to a third in Novice and So Attractive to reserve in Post Graduate
CH Newlaithe Look At Me continued his winning streak with another BEST VETERAIN IN SHOW win

March 2010

March 28th - Essex & Eastern CH Show
All the way to Godmanchester today where we only had 2 dogs entered (easy day!!)
Newlaithe Conjured Designed took reserve in Junior under Mrs Jean Watson and CH Designed For Looks unplaced in Open under Mr Jeff Luscott
CH Newlaithe Look At Me won his Veteran class and Stolen Melody reserve in Novice

March 20th - West Torrington & District Canine Show
A local Open Show today at Newark - our Breed Judge was Mr Mike Window (Mapekim)
Newlaithe Conjured Design went into his first Junior class today and we were delighted to win the class, Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM then won Open followed by BEST OF BREED
Many thanks to Linda for stepping in to handle Red in the Challenge!

March 11th - Crufts
Well another Crufts has come and gone - it doesn't get any better from an Exhibitor point of view but hey ho - its the taking part that counts (honest!!)
Our Judges today were Mr Chris Cray (Dogs) and Mrs Kari Wilberg (Bitches)
We started the day of in great style with CH Newlaithe Look At Me winning a super Veteran Dog class closely followed by Newlaithe Conjured Design a good third in Special Puppy. Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM took second in Mid-Limit (behind the Reserve CC winner) and Magical Trick also second in Limit Dog
In the girls Stolen Melody made the cut in a huge Graduate class and Newlaithe Lilibet with Paxis took VHC in this class which was a great result for the Paxis team
Pure Illusion (owned and handled by Sarah - Sezflo Boxers) took a super reserve in Mid-Limit and in Open CH Designed for Looks made the cut
Our star for the day was once again Pauline handling Stolen Melody in the Good Citizens class who was absolutely delighted to win the class
After the show had finished it was back to work (at Crufts) for the next 3 long, long days!!

March 6th - Puppy / Dog of the Year Competition
The event of the year over once again - what a night!
Newlaithe Conjured Again (one of the youngest puppies qualified) put on a sterling performance with the other 11 Top Winning Male Puppies
To our delight he made the final 4 which we were delighted with
The Judge (which had been Top Secret) was Mrs Claire Coxall
We were also delighted to have bred the third place Top Dam in Newlaithe Look Inspired as she had produced Green Card winners in Magical Trick and Pure Illusion
Once the showing side ended we all put our glad rags on and partied till the early (or was it late) hours of the morning
Headaches galore the next day!!!

Photo by Stewart Copeland

February 2010

February 28th - The Scottish Boxer Club CH Show
Just another one of this long long journeys (450 mile round trip) through sun, rain, fog and not forgetting the snow and ice - the joys!!
Our Judges today were Mr David Webb (Dogs) and Mrs Betty MacDonald (Bitches)
Newlaithe Conjured Design took third in Puppy, Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM a good second in Post Graduate, Magical Trick third in Limit and CH Newlaithe Look At Me second in Veteran
In the girls CH Designed for Looks third in Open and Stolen Melody third in Junior which qualified her for Crufts 2011

February 21st - The Mancunian Boxer Club Open Show
Another fairly local Club Open Show today which we nearly didn't make as the snow had come down thick and fast early morning - it took us over two hours to travel under 60 miles but we made it just in time for judging to start! When we came home you would never had believed it had been snowing!! English weather :o(
The Special Puppy Event was today judged by Miss Suzanne Mair (Glenauld) who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design first in 10-12 Months
The Open Show was judged by Mr Steve Hare (Jimbren) who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design first in Puppy and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM first in Open who went on to to win BEST DOG in the Challenge
Pure Illusion, handled by Sarah, won Limit Bitch and after all the Bitches had been judged we challenged the Best Bitch winner and were delighted to win RESERVE BEST IN SHOW
On the Saturday (February 20th) I had been asked to judge The Special Puppy Event at Tyne, Wear & Tees Boxer Club
It was a very enjoyable day and I hope to be able to put a photo up shortly of my Best Special Puppy Winner (who went on to take Best in Show in the main show too!!)
Best Special Puppy - Olleyville Meggy McPhee

February 13th - The Midland Boxer Club CH Show
Down to Stoneleigh today where our Judge for the Dogs was Dr Orietta Zilli (Italy) who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design third in Puppy and CH Newlaithe Look At Me won Veteran Dog and later in the day won another BEST VETERAN IN SHOW

February 7th - The Merseyside Boxer Club Limit Show
A fairly local Club Show today held in Liverpool. The Special Puppy Judge was Mr Barry O'Donnell from Ireland who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design first in 10-12 months. In the main Show our Judge was Mr Tom Johnston (Feldkirk) who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design third in Puppy, Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM first in Open and Stolen Melody first in Debutante
In the Challenge Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM won BEST DOG and in the final Challenge against the Best Bitch won BEST IN SHOW
As he won Best in Show at this Show in November we are just delighted he came back and won it again today
Thank you both judges for a great day

January 2010

January 30th - The Anglian Boxer Club CH Show
A local show for us today at Newark Showground, where our judges were Mrs Dawn Pilling (Dogs) and Mrs Carol Moncur-Drysdale (Bitches)
CH Newlaithe Look At Me started the day off well winning Veteran Dog, Newlaithe Conjured Design took second in a good Puppy Class, Magical Trick won a super Post Graduate Class and he was pulled into the last 5 for the Challenge
CH Designed For Looks did not let the side down in the Bitches and took a super second in Open Bitch
Signature, owned and handled by Vicky Mewett took third in Yearling and Qualified for Crufts 2011
To top it all CH Newlaithe Look At Me won BEST VETERAN IN SHOW

January 23rd - Manchester CH Show
No snow, no rain what more can you ask for!!
An easy day today with just 3 dogs entered which ended in a 'yellow' day - our Judge was Mrs Meg Purnell-Carpenter
Newlaithe Conjured Design third in Puppy (which also qualified him for Crufts 2011 at the first qualifying show of the year), Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM third in Post Graduate (the largest class of the day) and CH Designed for Looks third in Open
Newlaithe Conjured Design also took part in the Pro-Plan Puppy Stakes and out of an entry of 59 took VHC under Mr Steve Hall - we were delighted with his result

January 9th - Boston CH Show (no CCs for Boxers)
We have decided that we are completely insane!!!
After spending 2 hours digging the van out on the Friday, parking it on the main (ish) road then getting up at 5am transporting all the dogs and bags to the van - letting it defrost for half an hour and then taking 20 minutes to get to the top of the main (ish) road to the proper main road which usually takes 2 minutes before even properly setting off to Peterborough for the Show and then to top it all the windscreen wipers broke so had to travel 200 miles round trip stopping every so often to clean the windows - plus the A1 heading South was not the best in some places and we seriously considered turning around - why oh why do we do this ...... (because we love it that's why!!!)
Anyway on finally arriving we had a change of judge to Mr Mick Gordon who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design first in Puppy and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM second in Open (behind the Top Winning Boxer 2009 - who incidentally went on to win Best of Breed), in the girls Stolen Melody took second in Junior
In the challenge we were absolutely thrilled to win Best Puppy Dog, Reserve Best Dog and BEST PUPPY IN BREED with Newlaithe Conjured Design (beating his kennel mate for the Reserve spot at just 10 months old)
CH Newlaithe Look At Me
strutted his stuff in the Veteran Stakes under Mrs Christina Chapman and we were delighted to be placed second
It was a long day but very enjoyable - thanks to our Breed judge for not only stepping in but for thinking so highly of our young boy
Please please snow GO AWAY!!

January 3rd - The Northern Boxer Club Open Show
A local show today judged by Mr Paul Melville (Jeddhi) who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design second in Puppy
and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM third in Open

December 30th - Luton Canine Open Show
The very last show of the year - a big 3-day Open Show held at Godmanchester with over 1400 dogs entered
Our Breed Judge was Mrs Jan Buckley (Shakatan) who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design first in Puppy and we were delighted when
Newlaithe On Target
JW ShCM won Open
So Attractive, handled by Sue Lott, was awarded reserve in Open
In the Challenge we were awarded BEST OF BREED and BEST PUPPY IN BREED
Today the Working Group Judge was Mr Jeff Horswell, who had 10 Working Group Best of Breeds to judge, we were delighted when
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCMWORKING GROUP 4and Newlaithe Conjured Design WORKING PUPPY GROUP 3

What a lovely end to another busy year

December 28th - Ashbourne Canine Open Show
A local open show today at Newark, our Breed Judge was Mrs Ann Lunt who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design second in Puppy and
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM won Open, followed by BEST OF BREED
Pure Illusion, handled by Sarah, was second in Open
As this was a large Open Show (just under 1000 dogs entered) we had to wait quite some time for the Group
Today our Group Judge was Mr Terry Donovan - we were over the moon when out of 15 other Best of Breed winners we took

December 13th - LKA
The last Championship Show of the year at the world's worst venue (NEC!)
Just warms you up for the nightmare that Crufts brings - having to walk (or get the bus) with all your dogs and trammel for miles and miles (sure its not really that far but it feels like it!)
Our Breed Judge today was Mr Barry Alton - we have a fairly easy day with just 3 dogs entered
Newlaithe Conjured Design third in Puppy, Magical Trick second in Post Graduate and CH Designed for Looks third in Open
We also entered CH Designed for Looks in the Open Stakes judged by Ferelith Somerfield, we were absolutely thrilled that out of an entry of 84 we took third place

December 6th - Cotswold Boxer Club CH Show
Although another long trek it is always an enjoyable show as everyone is in the festive spirit
Our judges today were Mrs Betty MacDonald (Dogs) and Mr Joao Vasco Pocas (Bitches)
Newlaithe Conjured Design took reserve in his first Puppy class, Magical Trick second in Post Graduate, CH Newlaithe Look At Me won Veteran Dog, followed by Best Veteran in Show
Very Attracted won Undergraduate for John Cormack, The Mewett's Signature a good third in Novice and Sarah Pearce's Pure Illusion a super reserve in Post Graduate the largest class of the day

November 21st - South Wales Boxer Club CH Show
Another long drive in the dark and the rain!!
Our Judges today were Mr Andrew Brace (Dogs) and Mrs Jenny Whitaker (Bitches)
We had a full team today so it was rather non-stop
In the dogs Newlaithe Conjured Design won a super Minor Puppy class, Magical Trick VHC in Post Graduate, Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM a super reserve in a very strong Limit class and CH Newlaithe Look At Me second in Veteran
In the bitches Stolen Melody reserve in Novice and CH Designed For Looks a fabulous second in a strong Open class
Signature by Newlaithe (handled by Vicky Mewett) also attended today and took second in Novice Bitch and Very Attracted to Newlaithe (handled by John Cormack) second in Graduate Dog

November 15th - Merseyside Boxer Club Open Show
A nice local Club Show today (although still returned home in the dark!!)
In the Special Puppy Event Newlaithe Conjured Design won 8-10 Months, judged by Ms Nikki Cannon
In the main Show our Judge was Mr Bob Gregory who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design second in Minor Puppy
and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM first in Open Dog
Newlaithe On Target then went on to win Best Dog and thrilled us with
A super result from a lovely entry of 72 dogs

Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM

Photo courtesy of The Merseyside Boxer Club

November 14th - South Western Boxer Club CH Show
Another long journey setting off in the dark and returning in the dark - oh the fun!!
Our Judges today were Philip Greenway (Dogs) and Anne Manduel-Carkeek, South Africa (Bitches)
Magical Trick took VHC in Post Graduate and CH Designed for Looks by Newlaithe won a super Open Bitch followed by

November 8th - Working & Pastoral of Scotland
A very long trek today to Edinburgh where our Judge was Mrs Ellis Van Honschooten (Holland)
She awarded Magical Trick second in Post Graduate
Our stars for the day were Sarah Pearce's Retro by Sezflo (sired by Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe) who won a fantastic Minor Puppy class first time out and qualified for Crufts 2010 and Pure Illusion over Newlaithe (litter sister to Magical Trick) won a super Post Graduate Class
In the Challenge Pure Illusion went on to take her first BITCH CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE
What a super day for Newlaithe

November 1st - Coventry (Foleshill) Canine Association

Down to Coventry today under breed specialist Angela Huxley who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design first in Puppy followed by BEST PUPPY IN BREED and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM first in Open followed by BEST OF BREED
In the Working Group judged by Jenny Miller Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM took WORKING GROUP 4

October 31st - Northern Limit Show
Our local show today where our judges were Mr Geoff Gatenby (Special Puppy) and Mrs Christine Breakspear (Limit Show)
Newlaithe Conjured Design won Special Puppy Dog 8-10 Months
In the main show Newlaithe Conjured Design took second in Minor Puppy and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM second in Open Dog

October 22nd - Midland Counties CH Show
A fairly local show held at Stafford where our Judge was Mrs Gill Davies (Kenbru)
Newlaithe Conjured Design won a fantastic Minor Puppy Class and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM
fifth in Post Graduate

October 17th - London & Home Counties CH Show
Back to early starts with dark mornings, long days, and journeys home in the dark - oh the joy!
Our Judges today were Mr Tony Curtin (Dogs) and Mrs Liz Cartledge (Bitches)
Magical Trick won Graduate dog and CH Newlaithe Look At Me won Veteran
We had no bitches to enter as CH Designed for Looks had previously been awarded the CC by Mrs Cartledge and CH Just Stunning is currently out of the ring, however we handled Stolen Melody to a third in Junior and Game On made the cut in the largest class of the day Limit
Very Attracted to Newlaithe also took second in Graduate Dog behind Magical Trick and Signature by Newlaithe second in Junior in front of Stolen Melody

We have just received news that Newlaithe Enchantment owned by Sandie Dietz (USA) won BEST PUPPY

at The New Jersey Show today (October 10th)
Enchantment is litter sister to Conjured Design sired by Conjuror and Designed for Looks
Congratulations to Sandie and Best of Luck for the next batch of shows

October 10th - White Rose Canine Society
A real local show today (literally 10 minutes away) held at The Elsecar Heritage Centre, Elsecar
Our Breed judge was Mrs Jay Horgan (Aritaur) who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design first in Special Yearling (no puppy classes but all the other entries were puppies too!) followed by BEST PUPPY IN BREED and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM first in Open followed by BEST OF BREED
In the Groups under Mrs Mary Barrett (Margins) Newlaithe Conjured Design took a fabulous PUPPY WORKING GROUP 2 and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM delighted us by winning WORKING GROUP 1
We then had to wait till the end of the day to compete for Best in Show against the other Group Winners under Mrs Liz Stannard (Shiarita) although by this time 'Boyd' was a little tired and fed up he still brightened up for the ring and we were thrilled to win
What a fantastic day

Photo by LLovall Design

October 3rd - Trent CH Show
Another fairly local show for us at Newark - our Judges today were Carol Schofield (Dogs) and Mr H Almgren - Sweden (Bitches)
Newlaithe Conjured Designed took VHC in Minor Puppy and Magical Trick second in Graduate
In the bitches So Attractive, handled by Newlaithe, was our little star today winning a super Post Graduate class qualifying her for Crufts 2010

October 1st - Driffield CH Show
What a busy week - in the space of 8 days we have 4 Championship Shows to which this is the third!
A local show for us held at Wetherby Racecourse - our Judge today was Mr Tony Watson
Newlaithe Conjured Design took a lovely second in Minor Puppy Dog and Magical Trick third Post Graduate
CH Newlaithe Look At Me took second in a large Veteran Stakes under Mr Steve Hall

September 27th - Belfast CH Show
Our second Irish show where our Judge was Mr Malcolm Gray
Newlaithe Conjured Design took third in Minor Puppy and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM reserve in Limit

September 26th - Irish Boxer Club CH Show
Across the waters for the weekend where today's Judge was Mr Johan Kaiser
Newlaithe Conjured Design took second in Minor Puppy, Magical Trick won Graduate and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM third in Limit
In the Challenge Magical Trick made it to the final 4 for the Dog CC
CH Designed for Looks took third in Open

September 19th - Darlington CH Show
One of my favourite shows of the year - always love going in lots of different Stakes classes and trying to earn a little prize money!!
After last year's drastic weather this year it was fine and even a little sunny - let's face it nothing could be as bad as last year!!!
Our breed Judge today was Mrs Maria Harding (Pringham), who awarded CH Newlaithe Look At Me first in Veteran Dog/Bitch and Best Veteran in Breed
In the males, Newlaithe Conjured Design took second in Puppy (and he was a little monster today!), Magical Trick won Post Graduate and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM won Limit. In the Challenge Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM won Reserve Best Dog. Just one girl for us today Stolen Melody who took second in Puppy
Other Newlaithe Dogs had a great day with Signature taking second in Junior, Lilibet reserve in Limit and Pure Illusion winning Post Graduate

Now the Stakes
Newlaithe Conjured Design took reserve in the Pro Plan Puppy Stakes and third in the Minor Puppy Stakes
Mother & Son (Designed for Looks and Conjured Design) took third in the Brace Stakes - handled by Christine
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM second in the Post Graduate Stakes (Dog) and Pure Illusion second in the Post Graduate Stakes (Bitch)
Newlaithe Lilibet won the Special Beginners Stakes handled by Vicky (Mewett) and Signature VHC in a good Junior Stakes class

To top the whole day off CH Newlaithe Look At Me won the VETERAN WORKING GROUP
and has to return tomorrow to compete against the other 6 Group Winners for Best Veteran in Show
Watch this space!

So we returned for the final day of Darlington CH Show to yet another bright, sunny day
In the final for Best Veteran in Show were the other Group winners over the 3 days
We strutted our stuff for the judge Mrs Marion Spavin and were delighted to be awarded

September 12th - Richmond CH Show
A beautiful sunny day at Loseley Park where our Judge was Mr Stuart Lockwood-Brown (Shiloh)
The day started well with CH Newlaithe Look At Me winning Veteran Dog and Newlaithe Conjured Design second in Minor Puppy
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM then took third in a good Limit Class
We then took a short break from the breed ring and showed CH Newlaithe Look At Me in the Working, Pastoral & Terrier Veteran Stakes and were delighted when Mr S Milner awarded us first prize
On returning to the breed Stolen Melody took reserve in Puppy and So Attractive (handled by Newlaithe) made the cut in the largest class of the day Post Graduate
Then our star for the day emerged, CH Designed for Looks delighted us by winning first in Open, in the Challenge took the
We then finished our day off by being pulled into the last 6 of the Working Group under Stuart Mallard
What a fantastic day!

September 5th - City of Birmingham CH Show
Again in the Coventry area - Stoneleigh
Our Judge today was Mrs Ann Ingram who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design, at his first CH Show, third in Minor Puppy
- qualifying him for Crufts, Magical Trick won Graduate and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM reserve in Post Graduate
CH Newlaithe Look At Me won Veteran dog and we were thrilled when he was pulled into the last 4 for the CC
So Attractive also took reserve in Post Graduate

August 31st - Leicester City Canine
A fairly local Open Show today held at Coventry - our Breed Judge was Mrs Mandy Vearncombe (Ruption)
who awarded Newlaithe Conjured Design (his first show at just 6 months) second in Puppy and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM first in Open
In the Challenge On Target went on to win BEST OF BREED
The Working Group judge was Mr Glynn Payne (Fearnought) who had 15 dogs in his Group
We were thrilled to be placed WORKING GROUP 2

August 30th - Mancunian Boxer Club Rally
A friendly get together supporting a neighboring Club - our Judge today was all-rounder, Mr Keith Thornton
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM won Open Dog followed by Best Dog in Rally
Pure Illusion over Newlaithe (handled by her owner, Sarah) won Open Bitch followed by Best Bitch in Rally
Sarah also showed her newest Puppy Retro by Sezflo (sired by Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe) who took second in Puppy Walk
A lovely afternoon had by all

August 15th - Ashbourne Canine Society
Although we did not attend this show the Newlaithe flag remained high in the capable hands of Vicky, John & Bernie Mewett (Paxis)
Vicky handled Signature by Newlaithe to win her class followed by BEST OF BREED
Vicky also handled Newlaithe Lilibet with Paxis to win her class and in the challenge, handled by John (and we missed it!!), took Reserve Best of Breed
Signature by Newlaithe went on to win WORKING GROUP 3
What a fantastic day for Vicky, John, Bernie, Bridie and Betsy - WELL DONE

August 10th - Bournemouth CH Show

Another mammoth journey under Mrs Barbara Morisson (Xandene)
Magical Trick won Graduate and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM second in Post Graduate
CH Designed for Looks reserve in Open

August 3rd - Paignton CH Show
A long trek for this show under the well-respected all-rounder Mrs Ferelith Somerfield
Magical Trick took fifth in Post Graduate, Newlaithe On target JW ShCM a super third in a strong Limit Class
and our star for the day was CH Designed For Looks by Newlaithe who came back to the ring today after her maternal duties and took a great second in Open which we were thrilled with
She then went one further as the Open Bitch winner took the CC and we challenged for the Reserve and were over the moon when Ferelith awarded us the

CH Newlaithe Look At Me took fifth in the Veteran Stakes class and Pure Illusion also made the cut in a very strong Post Graduate Bitch class
both were expertly handled by Sarah

August 2nd - The British Boxer Club CH Show
Our Judges today were husband and wife team Helen & Eddie Banks (Sunhawk Norwatch)
Under Helen judging the boys Magical Trick took third in Graduate and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM HC in Post Graduate
CH Newlaithe Look At Me took second in his first Breed Veteran class
Under Eddie CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM took third in Open (her last show for a while now)
Other Newlaithe dogs shown were Signature who was third in Junior and So Attractive who was VHC in Post Graduate

July 25th - Leeds CH Show
A nice local show today for us at Harewood House and only two dogs entered!
Our Judge today was Mr Michael Bruggenburg-Rothschild (Merribox) who awarded Magical Trick third in Post Graduate
and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM VHC in Open
CH Newlaithe Look At Me (owned by Pauline Taylor) also made another appearance
in the Veteran Stakes and out of an entry of 27 took third place which was great

July 19th - NBC v Trent Rally

A lovely afternoon Rally to which the rain tried to spoil it for us but we don't mind getting a little wet!!
It is always great to see all the Puppy Walks attending to which there must have been nearly
20 puppies entered ranging from 12 weeks to just under 6 months
Our Judge today was Mr Peter Stinton who awarded
Conjured Design second in Puppy Walk Dog, Phenomenal VHC in Puppy Walk Bitch
Magical Trick third in Adult Dog and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM first in Adult Dog
followed by Best Dog and Reserve Best in Rally

July 18th - National Working & Pastoral CH Show
What a fantastic day for Newlaithe all round
All the way down to Malvern today under Mr Karl Johansson from Sweden who had a fantastic entry of 241 dogs
In the boys we had Magical Trick in Graduate who took VHC followed by Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM in a very strong
Limit Class (20 entries) who also took VHC
In the girls Stolen Melody took third in a strong Puppy Class (16 entries) qualifying her for Crufts 2010 and
CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won a super Open Class (13 entries) and went on to win her sixth

Other Newlaithe dog's also had a great day starting with Very Attracted to Newlaithe (John Cormack & Veronica Feaver)
who took second in Graduate Dog
The Mewett's Signature by Newlaithe (handled by Vicky) won a fantastic Junior Bitch class and Newlaithe Lilibet with Paxis
(again handled by Vicky) showed her socks off in a very strong Limit Class (22 entries) to take third - this not only qualifies 'Betsy'
for Crufts 2010 but also gives her a 'Stud Book Number' which in turn qualifies her for Crufts for life!
We are just delighted for Vicky, John & Bernie with both Bridie and Betsy - the best is yet to come!!

July 12th - East of England CH Show
Love this show - the ring set up is great although this year we had moved rings and it wasn't fantastic but you can't have everything!
Our Judge today was Mr Peter Bailey who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM first in Post Graduate
CH Newlaithe Look At Me made his first appearance in the Veteran Stakes (Working & Pastoral) under Mr Frank Wildman
and we were delighted when he won out of 26 entries
We send many congratulations to the Mewett's who not only took third in a strong Junior Breed class with Signature by Newlaithe but went onto to take second in the Junior Stakes class (Working & Pastoral) under well renowned all-rounder Mr Frank Kane out of an entry of 36 - very well done

July 5th - Windsor CH Show
One of the most beautiful settings on our Show circuits - especially when the weather is at its best!
Our Judge today was Mrs Linda Carnaby (Tartarian) who awarded Magical Trick second in Graduate, Stolen Melody reserve in her first Puppy class and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM second in Open
So Attractive also attended today, handled by Newlaithe, and took third in Graduate
The girls (Designed for Looks and Just Stunning) once again entered the Brace class and took second under Mr Jeff Luscott
One wonders if the Queen was watching us all through one of her windows!!!

June 28th - Blackpool CH Show
Bit of a change from last year's show - the sun shone (till about 3pm when the heavens opened!) but it wouldn't be Blackpool without the rain!!
Our Judge today was Miss Isobell Edison who awarded Magical Trick second in Graduate, Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM second in Mid-Limit and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM third in Open
The girls (Designed for Looks and Just Stunning) took fourth in the Brace Stakes under Mr Ellis Hulme

June 24th - Cheshire County Show
Would you believe that it took longer to get to this Show which is only 48 miles from us than it did to Kelso which is almost 200 - they really should do something about getting into the Showground!!
However once in the weather was again fantastic and it really is a nice show
Our Judge was Mr Jim Gardiner (Cherpyl - Ireland) who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM first in Open Dog followed by Best Dog and Reserve Best of Breed
Stolen Melody won Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy Bitch
In the Stakes, judged by Mrs Meg Purnell-Carpenter Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM won AV Working
All in all (missing out the traffic) a great day

June 21st - Border Union CH Show
The things we do - all the way to Kelso for this Show - however the weather was glorious which is always a bonus!
Our Judge today was Mrs Margaret Macdonald-Cross who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM VHC in Limit and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM third in Open

June 7th - Southern Counties CH Show
Well the weather held out for us all day - looked unlikely at times but thankfully it did
Our Judge today was Ann Marie-Maeland from Sweden who had a huge entry of 233 (the largest for the entire 3-Day Show)
Magical Trick took second in Graduate, Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM third in a strong Limit Class (22 entries) and
CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM reserve in Open
Magical Trick also took VHC in the Reserve CC Stakes Class judged by Gunnel Holm (Finland)
Other Newlaithe dogs also had a good day with Very Attracted to Newlaithe (owned by John Cormack& Veronica Feaver, handled by John) who won Graduate, Pure Illusion over Newlaithe (owned and handled by Sarah Pearce) took VHC in Graduate and So Attractive by Newlaithe (owned by Sue Lott and handled by Newlaithe) reserve in Post Graduate the largest class of the day (24 entries)

May 31st - NBC Annual Statuette Rally
What a super sunny day for this event - we couldn't have asked for it any better. Our Judge for the day was
Mrs Maureen Best who awarded Newlaithe Diesel Design and Newlaithe Conjured Design second and reserve (respectively)
in Puppy Walk Dog, Newlaithe Phenomenal second in Puppy Walk Bitch and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM won Open Dog
Other Newlaithe Dogs and their owners had a great day too - Pure Illusion over Newlaithe won Open Bitch and Best Adult in Rally,
Newlaithe Lilibet close on her heels with second in Open Bitch and Signature by Newlaithe third in Junior
A great day had be all

May 24th - Bath CH Show
Although we were not entered today we were delighted to hear that Newlaithe's flag was flying high
Veronica Feaver & John Cormack's Very Attracted to Newlaithe won his class followed by Best Dog
Congratulations to all

May 17th - Scottish Kennel Club CH Show

What a journey this show is for us - 560 mile round trip - the things we do!!
Our Judge today was Mr Joe Smith (Mowgli) who awarded CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM second in Open

May 9th - Birmingham National CH Show 150th Anniversary Show
Our Judge today was Mr John Hambelton (Marbelton Boxers) who awarded Magical Trick reserve in Graduate, Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM made the cut in Limit but sadly no place today
We were thrilled to see Signature by Newlaithe take a fantastic second place in Puppy under Mrs Mary Hambelton, qualifying her for Crufts 2010

May 2nd - Tyne Wear & Tees Boxer Club CH Show
Our Judges today were Mrs Denise Mastaglio (Dogs) and Mrs Sue Drinkwater (Bitches) - Magical Trick took reserve in Graduate Dog and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM reserve in Open

April 25th - WELKS CH Show
The first of our outside shows (except it rained so we were back indoors!!)
Our Judge today was Mr Martin Wyles (Rimarti) - Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM took reserve in Post Graduate Dog and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM reserve in Open

April 18th - Working & Pastoral Wales CH Show
This show is such a nightmare journey - up and down, round and round - all good fun for a Saturday's day out!!!
Once arrived a nice easy today with just two dogs - Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM won Limit Dog under Terry Donovan and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM reserve in Open

April 11th - Northern Boxer Club CH Show (Diamond Anniversary)
Today our Judges were Marlien Haystek (South Africa) for the Dogs and Karina Le Mare (Helmlake) for the Bitches
Magical Trick took third in Graduate Dog and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM third in Post Graduate (23 entries)
Making a rare appearance was CH Newlaithe Look At Me who thrilled us by winning the Open Dog class and in the Challenge took the DOG CC and Reserve Best in Show - 'George' is owned by Pauline Taylor who was just delighted
CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM once again second in Open

April 5th - Mancunian Boxer Club CH Show
Its so nice traveling to a show (near or far) in daylight!!
Quite a local Club Championship Show today for us in Manchester, where our Judges were Karina Le Mare (Dogs) and John Cormack (Bitches)
Magical Trick won a strong Graduate class with Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM close on his heels with second in another strong Post Graduate class
Magical Trick delighted us in the Challenge winning the RESERVE DOG CC
In the bitches So Attractive won Graduate and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM second in Open to the Bitch CC winner

March 22nd - The Essex & Eastern Boxer Club CH Show

Godmanchester today where our Judges were Sue Drinkwater - Sulez (Dogs) and Carol Schofield - Koppernox (Bitches)
Magical Trick took fourth in Yearling and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM second in a strong Post Graduate class
CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM took reserve in Open
Very Attracted to Newlaithe owned and handled by John Cormack won Yearling Dog - well done

March 15th - The Scottish Boxer Club CH Show
A new venue for this Club today all the way 'Up North!' in Lanark - about a 500 mile round trip to not what you would call local!!
Our Judges today were Miss Sandra Parle (Elrap) judging Dogs and Mr Pedro Bispo (Portugal) judging Bitches
Magical Trick took second in Yearling, Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM third in Mid-Limit and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM took reserve in Open

March 8th - CRUFTS
There is not much to say about Crufts except that it is a complete nightmare for us The Exhibitors
Our Judges today were Mrs Rita Williams (Dogs) who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM reserve in Post Graduate (19 entries) and Magical Trick made the cut in Yearling (16 entries)
Mrs Jenny Townshend (Bitches) award CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM VHC in Open (14 entries) - one of the very few reds to be placed all day in the Bitch breed classes!
Other Newlaithe Dogs were John Cormack and Veronica Feaver's Very Attracted to Newlaithe who took VHC in Yearling Dog, litter sister Sue Lott's Very Attractive to Newlaithe who made the cut in Yearling Bitch (17 entries)

February 28th - The BOSCARS
In attendance will be Magical Trick from Newlaithe in The National Pup of the Year Competition
CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM in The National Dog of the Year Competition

What a weekend for Newlaithe ..........
Magical Trick attended the Puppy of the Year competition and although unplaced did not let the side down in any shape or form - he is such a showman!

Next in line was Louie Lila at Newlaithe who at 8 years old ran round the ring to her delight and took Boxer Quarterly's DAM OF MERIT 2008 - she raised a lot of smiles and giggles from the audience as she just sat as good as gold in front of me (unfortunately not in view by the audience but hey ho!)

Then the main event of the afternoon - Cotswold Boxer Club's Dog of the Year
Our Judges this year were David Spencer, David Webb and Arthur Butters - in first were the top winning Males of the year to which CH Winuwuk Lust At First Sight took top honours - then it was our turn.

As ever CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM showed her socks off and we were just delighted to take
What a day - and our thanks go to all the Judges for thinking so highly of our beautiful 'Hayley'

In the evening more awards were acknowledged and once again Louie Lila at Newlaithe had won (jointly with Susancar Dyna Moe)
The British Boxer Club's DAM OF MERIT 2008

Our club The Northern Boxer Club had also been nominated for Best Show
sadly we didn't win the Award this went to The Cotswold but we were still nominated which was great

All in all a fantastic day / evening - a few sore heads the following morning though!!

Sadly Christine was unable to attend the event as she was busy whelping our long awaited litter of puppies by Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe
and CH Galicar Designed for Looks by Newlaithe - all are doing well

Section from an article written by Andrew Brace for Dog World

We then moved swiftly on with the Dog of the Year competition and the identity of the three judges was revealed.
This year it was three long established Boxer gentlemen Arthur Butters who is now living in Ireland, David Spencer who still lives in London and David Webb who is now a California resident but who is staying in his native England until August as he has to have some heart treatment.
The three systematically went over and moved the 25 competitors eventually awarding points to their first four. In the males there was an unusual consistency with all three awarding first place to Marion Ward-Davies, Julie Brown and Tim Hutchings' Ch Winuwuk Lust At First Sight so Max won by a considerable margin.
In the bitches there was more variance of opinion but the winner was a popular one in Chrissie Beardsell and daughter Vikki Van-Beck's red Ch Newlaithe Just Stunning.

February 21st - The Midland Boxer Club CH Show
Not too far away today but the first Show we have been to at the purpose made Kennel Club building at Stoneleigh
Our Dog Judge today was Mrs M Granger who awarded Magical Trick second in Yearling (behind the Reserve CC Winner) and qualifying him for Crufts 2010 (at his first CH Show attended this year)
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM also took second in a very strong Post Graduate class

February 15th - The Mancunian Boxer Club Open Show
A much closer to home show today in Cheshire
Our judge today was Mrs Sue Mullis (Idleforde) who awarded Magical Trick first in Yearling and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM first in Limit
In the Challenge Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM took Reserve Best Dog
Magical Trick's sister Pure Illusion also showed today (handled by Sarah) and took a respectable fourth in Yearling

February 14th - The Cotswold Boxer Club Open Show
An awful long way today for an Open Show but I am afraid I had to go!!!
The Judge today had come all the way from the USA and is one of the (if not the) best Professional Handler over there - Mr Diego Garcia - whilst at The American Boxer Club last year it was simply amazing watching him handling all the dogs he did - making each and everyone look spectacular but also do everything he asked them to do - the time and effort he puts into the dogs showed every single time
So really pleased when he awarded Magical Trick third in Graduate (11 entries) and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM second in Open (7 entries) behind the Best Dog and Best in Show Winner
He also awarded Very Attracted to Newlaithe (now owned by John Cormack and Veronica Feaver) first in Limit (10 entries)

February 1st - The Merseyside Boxer Club Limit Show
A local Club Limit Show where our Judge was Miss Yolande Tonkin (Rosanyos), who awarded Magical Trick first in Post Graduate and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM third in Open
In the Challenge Magical Trick went on to win Reserve Best Dog
Pure Illusion (litter sister to Magical Trick) also attended, handled by Sarah, and took second in a large Debutante Class

January 31st - The Anglian Boxer Club CH Show
The first Club Championship Show held at Newark - another cold day!!
Our Dog Judge today was Vicky Bell (Surfstone) she awarded Magical Trick second in Graduate, behind the Dog CC and Best in Show Winner and Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM reserve in Post Graduate

January 24th - Easington, Peterlee & District Canine Society
A new venue for us in Scorton, North Yorkshire - fantastic for a Show but blimey cold is not the word for it!!
Our breed judge was Fiona Nielson (Borestone) who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM first in Open followed by Best of Breed. The Working Group was judged by Mrs Sue Searle and out of a very large Group we made the last 6 but sadly no more
January 16th - Manchester CH Show
The first CH Show of the year judged today by Miss Ann Wildman (Wildax)
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM took the plunge in his first Limit class today and we were delighted with a reserve, Pure Illusion attended today however Sarah (Flo's handler) was unable to book the day off work so we stepped in and took a good VHC in Yearling
<CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM took second in Open and then the RESERVE BITCH CC
What a good start to the year

January 1st - The Northern Boxer Club Open Show
The first show of the year, a local Breed Club Open Show
Our judge today was Mr Keith Baldwin (Nightstorm) who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM first in Open, followed by Best Dog and RESERVE BEST IN SHOW
Not a bad start to the year at all!

Newlaithe's Show Results - 2008

December 30th - NSFKA Open Show
What a wonderful end to the year - yet again at Newark (it has become my second home!)
Our judge was Breed Specialist Mrs Marjorie Calland who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM first in Open followed by Best of Breed
In the Group, judged by Mr A Chappell we were delighted with WORKING GROUP 1

December 28th - Ashbourne Open Show
Newark again - a little warmer today or maybe its just becoming normal!!
Our Breed judge today was Mr Tom Johnston (Feldkirk) who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW first in Open followed by Best of Breed
In a large Group, also judged by Mr Tom Johnston, Newlaithe On Target JW took Working Group 2
This has given us the last 4 points needed to be awarded he Show Certificate of Merit now making him
Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM

December 27th - Sleaford District Canine Open Show
The last 3 shows of the year are at Newark - lovely and COLD!
Our breed judge was Sandra Braithwaite who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW a lovely first in Open followed by Best of Breed
In the Group, judged by Richard Kinsley, we were thrilled with Working Group 2

December 20th - Darwen Open Show
An all breed Open show today judged by Mr Jeff Horswell who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW first in Open followed by Best of Breed

December 13th - LKA CH Show
A change of judge today - originally should have been Mr Albert Wight but due to an injury was replaced with Derek Smith
Newlaithe On Target JW took third in Yearling and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM third in Open

We are thrilled that this has taken CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM
(based on points won throughout the year at Championship Shows) to the
Top Winning Red Bitch for 2008

Also today Signature by Newlaithe held her head high in a class of 15 to take reserve place, sadly not a qualifying place for Crufts. However, not to be disheartened Signature was also entered in the Puppy Stakes and out of an entry of 115 (yes you read that right one hundred and fifteen dogs) took 5th place - what a fantastic result - especially as she is only just 6 months old
Well Done to the Mewett's and to Vicky for handling her so well

December 7th - Cotswold Boxer Club SH Show
A long trek today down to Malvern in the dark - and extremely cold - the things we do!!
Our dog judge was Mrs Wendy Mitchell who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW reserve in a very strong Yearling class and Magical Trick third in Under-Graduate
The bitch judge was Mrs Helen Banks - we were delighted with second in Open Bitch with CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM only beaten by the CC and Best in Show Winner

November 22nd - West Torrington Open Show
A local show today at Newark - unfortunately our Judge, Mrs Linda Box, broke down en-route and was unable to make it so Mr Robin Serle, a very well respected all-rounder, stepped in on the day
He awarded Newlaithe On Target JW first in Open followed by Best of Breed
In the large Working Group, judged by Mrs Alyson King, she awarded Newlaithe On Target JW - WORKING GROUP 4

November 15th - South Wales CH Show
The Newlaithe Team did not show this weekend as Christine had the honour of judging the Bitches
Christine awarded Linda Carnaby's Faerdorn Dusted over Tartarian the Bitch CC (her first to date) and the Reserve CC to Bell's Baibea Stare If Ya One 'T' at Surfstone
Christine's co-Judge Mrs Val Pack-Davison (Dogs) awarded Phelps' Very Attracted to Newlaithe first in Novice - keeping the Newlaithe name alive for the day

November 8th - South Western CH Show
What a wonderful day under the very respected all-rounder Mr Frank Kane - he was judging the dogs and awarded Magical Trick reserve in Graduate and Newlaithe On Target JW first in a very strong Yearling class. In the challenge he also pulled Newlaithe On Target JW into his final 3 only to be beaten by two top winning Champions - we are just thrilled
Unfortunately our girls were both in Open and did not make any placings - the judge for the Bitches was Mr Arthur Fry (Australia)

November 2nd - Working & Pastoral CH Show
A long trek up to Scotland for this CH Show judged by Keith Jump - it was a beautiful sunny day which changed as soon as we hit the English borders on the way home!
He awarded Newlaithe On Target JW second in Yearling and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM VHC in Open

October 26th - Midland Counties CH Show
What a nice change to be indoors in the dry and the warmth!
Our breed judge was Mr Kevin Young (Sunkap) who awarded CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM third in Open

October 19th - Hillsboro Canine Society Open Show
A local Open Show today where Newlaithe On Target JW won Post Graduate under Mr Drummond - in the Challenge he then went on to take BEST OF BREED
As this was not judged on the Group system, it was all Best of Breeds in together at the end of the Show for Best in Show judged by Mr M Armstrong (Bitcon)
We were delighted when he awarded Newlaithe On Target JW

October 18th - London & Home Counties Boxer Club CH Show
A long trek today to Guildford where our judges were Mr Ian Basnett (Dogs) and Mrs Maureen Wragg (Bitches)
Newlaithe On Target JW took third in Yearling dog and Magical Trick won Graduate Dog. In the Challenge he also made the final 5 for the Challenge Certificate
In the Bitches Dancing with Newlaithe took second in Graduate and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM third in Open

October 12th - The Mancunian Boxer Club Open Show
A Club Open show today where the Judge was Mrs Pam Freeman (Testwood), she awarded Magical Trick from Newlaithe third in Graduate, Newlaithe On Target JW first in Post Graduate and Dancing with Newlaithe third in Graduate

October 11th - White Rose Canine Society Open Show
A very local Open show today (literally 10 minutes from home!)
Our Judge was Mrs J Cairns who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW second in Graduate followed by Reserve Best of Breed

October 5th - The Northern Boxer Club Limit Show
A local Breed Club Show for us held at Harworth, Blyth
Our Judge today was Mr Bob Cross who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW first in Yearling Dog and Magical Trick third in Open Dog
In the Challenge Newlaithe On Target JW took Reserve Best Dog and Reserve Best in Show

October 4th - The Trent Boxer Club CH Show
What a day - a fantastic entry for this show (286 entries) held at Newark where our Judges were Mrs Lesley Wearing (Miofrey) for Dogs and Mr A Palacin (Spain) for the Bitches
Newlaithe On Target JW won a fantastic Yearling Class (14 entries) and Magical Trick second in Graduate (14 entries)
Dancing with Newlaithe took VHC in Graduate Bitch (15 entries) and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won a fantastic Open Bitch Class (11 entries)
In the Challenge Newlaithe On Target JW put on a sterling performance but sadly no more
In the Bitch Challenge CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM took the BITCH CC (her fifth) and then took BEST IN SHOW

Thanks to both judges for a wonderful day - pictured here with Judges Mr Palacin and Mrs Lesley Wearing
It was also a good day for CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM's Sire CH Hilthorn Gold Blend who looked fantastic at almost 10 years old and won Best Veteran Dog and then Best Veteran in Show

Derby County
Down to Newark for an Open Show where our judge was Mr Stuart Copeland, who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW second in Yearling

September 18th - Driffield CH Show
A local show WITHOUT mud - almost forgotten what they are like!!
Our breed judge was Mrs Amanda Jinks who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW fifth in Yearling, Newlaithe Raise My Game for Siacybox an excellent second in Post Graduate (Simon, Razor's usual handler was unable to attend the show so I stepped in) - and this qualified him for Crufts
CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won Open bitch and then took the BITCH CC (her fourth to date)
In the Yearling Stakes Newlaithe On Target JW took a very good second under Mr Killilea

September 13th - Darlington CH Show
One of my favourite shows but mud follows me at present so it was not good underfoot - hey ho
In the breed our Judge was Mrs Margaret Cook who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW second in Post Graduate and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM third in Open
Our star for today was Pure Illusion over Newlaithe (sired by Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe), who won her Junior Class and went on to win Reserve Best Bitch - huge congratulations to Sarah and the beautiful Flo.
More news from Sarah - in the Reserve Best Stakes (a special put on by Darlington) Pure Illusion took second place - what a great day they had
In the Champion Stakes, CH Designed for Looks by Newlaithe made a rare appearance and took fourth out of a strong large entry
The girls, CH Designed for Looks and CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won the Brace Class
Newlaithe On Target JW won the Working & Pastoral Yearling Dog Stakes and then went on to win Best Yearling Stakes Working & Pastoral overall for the day - we even get our picture in the paper so watch out for that!

September 6th - Richmond CH Show
A very muddy event for our Judge Mrs Jean Watson - as I was working on my own at the Show we only entered CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM who took reserve in Open

August 30th - City of Birmingham CH Show
What a great day - a local (ish) show at Stoneleigh where our judge was Breed Specialist Mr David Spencer
Newlaithe On Target JW won Graduate dog and then in the Challenge took the
RESERVE DOG CC - which we are just over the moon about
CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won Open bitch and then in the Challenge also took the
What a great day - 2 dogs entered 2 dogs won their classes and 2 Reserve CCs
To top it all the Dog CC Winner, and Best of Breed, took Working Group One so Newlaithe On Target JW was the next best male boxer to the Working Group winner - sounds good!!
Just to make this sound even better our Best of Breed Boxer went on to win Reserve Best in Show

Critique from City of Birmingham CH Show (David Spencer)
Graduate Dog: Beardsell & Van-Beck’s Newlaithe On Target, really fell for this br/w & my notes say square, square, square, Boxery head with correct skull to muzzle ratio, expressive dark eye & good mouth, beautifully crested neck simply flows into deep square compact body with level flat topline, gun-barrel front with ample forechest, high tailset, muscular well turned hindend giving scopy movement. RCC

Critique from City of Birmingham CH Show (David Spencer)
Quality class topped by three worthy champions. 1 Beardsell & Van-Beck’s Newlaithe Just Stunning, sparkling r/w fully justifying her name. By now a champion & rightly so. Absolutely square, exemplifying short coupling, super head with velvety pigmentation, neck, topline, angulations all about right, can’t do anything else but stand foursquare. Made well to move well. RCC

August 24th - SKC
A very very long trek up to Edinburgh where our Judge was Mrs Judy Alton (Tarpen)
Newlaithe On Target JW took reserve in Yearling Dog and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won Open Bitch
In the Challenge we were thrilled to take the BITCH CC - her third and crowning one making her the latest UK Champion
Now CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM

August 21st - Frechville (Sheffield) & District Canine Society
It was great today to go to Newark for an All-Breed Open Show, with all the CH Shows currently on haven't been for a few months
Our Judge today was Mrs S Mycroft (Supeta) who awarded Newlaithe On Target JW with first in Post Graduate followed by BEST OF BREED
In the Working Group, again judged by Mrs Mycroft, we were absolutely thrilled to take WORKING GROUP 1
Sadly no further however we had plenty of support from many exhibitors and spectators both in the Group and in the final for Best In Show - which was just fantastic
Special thanks to Mrs Mycroft who said Boyd (Newlaithe On Target JW) was 'Something Special'

* * * * ! ! ! MORE FANTASTIC NEWS ! ! ! * * * *
Confirmation has been received that Louie Lila at Newlaithe has been awarded joint Dam of Merit
This prestigious award is from The British Boxer Club and we look forward to receiving our official award at The Boxer Event in 2009

August 16th - Welsh Kennel Club CH Show
In the middle of Wales there is Builth Wells - this is always one of the worst journeys in the entire year!
Our Judge today was Mrs Sue Pollock-Yule, once again awarding CCs for the first time
Magical Trick, once again handled by the youngest member of Team Newlaithe (John), took VHC in junior, Newlaithe On Target JW third in Graduate and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won Open Bitch

The day before our Show we went to a Companion Show held at the same venue where Magical Trick took second in a very large all breed Junior class, Designed for Looks and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM second in the pair most alike, Designed for Looks reserve in the dog the judge would most like to take home and our star for the day was Magical Trick (being the operative word) and John in Best Trick! The pair wowed the crowd with their footballing skills - with Magical Trick heading the ball back EVERY time to John to win the class hands down!

August 10th - Bournemouth CH Show
Another long trek down to Bournemouth where our Judge was Mrs Meg Purnell-Carpenter (awarding CCs for the first time in Boxers)
Magical Trick once again took first in Junior, with Newlaithe On Target JW second in Graduate
Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM took reserve in Open
Magical Trick also made the cut for the Junior Stakes

August 4th - Paignton CH Show
A long journey today to Exeter where, for once, the weather held out for our day!
Our judge was Mr Gerald Mitchell, he awarded Newlaithe On Target JW first in an excellent Yearling class, and Magical Trick first in Novice Dog
Dancing with Newlaithe a good reserve in a very strong Post Graduate Bitch class and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM VHC in Open
Magical Trick also took second, under Jeff Luscott in the Memorial Junior Stakes and then VHC in the PetPlan Junior Stakes under Mrs Jill Peak

Overseas news in from the World Show 2008, held in Stockholm
Magic Dust over Newlaithe (sired by Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe) was awarded Excellent in her Junior class of over 20 bitches - as this was her first outing at just 12 months old we are thrilled with her result and wish Ove Nilsen (Hasseldalen Boxers) and family all the best for future shows
Her critique on the day read 'Excellent type, very beautiful, dark eyes, good outline, good neck and topline, good chest, very good angles, very good head'

July 26th - Leeds CH
A nice local show today where our Judge was Doreen Greaves (Barbarossa) who awarded Newlaithe On Target second in Graduate behind the Reserve Dog CC winner, Magical Trick, handled by John, took reserve in Junior Dog, Dancing with Newlaithe reserve in Graduate Bitch and our star for today was Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM who won a fantastic Open Bitch class. In the challenge she then took the BITCH CC and last but not least in the challenge against the Dog took BEST OF BREED, sadly we missed the Group
Newlaithe Hot Heels, in partnership with and handled by Arthur Ainsworth won Post Graduate Bitch and was also in the final 4 for the Bitch CC - well done Arthur

Critique from Leeds CH Show (Doreen Greaves)
Beardsell& Van-Beck's Newlaithe Just Stunning, & she really is, have seen & admired her across the ring, elegant r/w, super clean head when viewed at all angles, correct jaw & bite, strong straight teeth, evident chin, well padded muzzle dark expressive eyes, long arched neck sweeping from her head to a straight back, & to her tail, depth of brisket & tuck-up with good forechest, good bone, stunning outline on her toes all the time. CC, her 2nd , & BOB
July 17th - East of England
A wonderful day today at Peterborough, where our Judge was Breed Specialist, Sandra Carter
Newlaithe On Target won Graduate Dog and in the Challenge took the RESERVE DOG CC
Absolutely thrilled with this and received many comments from various exhibitors and spectators ring side saying he looked fantastic which is always good to know and to them thank you very much - it is much appreciated
In the girls Dancing with Newlaithe took reserve in Graduate and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won Open Bitch - another great result
CH Designed for Looks went into the Champion Stakes with an entry of 43 and although unplaced made it into the final 8 which was a good result
We also took part in the Brace, which due to the enormous prize money on offer, had an entry of 33 - the girls, Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM and CH Designed for Looks did not let the side down and took reserve place (behind Huskies & Malamutes) and earned a nice £40 - helps towards the cost of the fuel to get to the show!!

Critique from East of England CH Show (Sandra Carter)

Graduate Dog: Beardsell & Van-Beck's Newlaithe On Target, at just 18 months this youngster has a stunning outline, beautiful head of correct proportions, kind expression, good mouth, lovely crested neck, good angulation of shoulder, strong firm topline, bang on tailset, straight front, good feet, correct height on foreleg, strong driving quarters, short back, covered the ground with ease, asked for & got the RCC

July 12th - National Working
An easy show again today with only 2 entered
In the heart of the Malvern Wells where our Judge was Mr Stuart Mallard (Tuckles)
Newlaithe On Target took a very good second in Graduate Dog and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM VHC in Open Bitch

July 6th - South Wales CH Show
In the beautiful wet, cold and windy country of Wales today!!
Our breed Judge today was Mr Steve Hare (Jimbren) he awarded Newlaithe On Target first in Junior followed by Reserve Best Dog (almost a Reserve CC but as we don't have CCs allocated at this show not quite! Also only beaten by a Champion so very pleased with his result)
Newlaithe On Target also took reserve place in the Junior Stakes class judged by Mrs Meg Purnell-Carpenter
Sadly CH Designed for Looks wasn't too well today and although entered in the Champion Stakes decided best not to show her so an easy day with just one dog!

June 26th - Windsor CH Show
In the Queens Gardens - not quite the place were you would expect your purse, mobile and other items to be stolen - hey ho!!
Our breed judge today was Mrs Brenda Groves - Jimbren
She awarded Newlaithe On Target fifth in Graduate which he only just made after being short-listed in the Junior Stakes class
CH Designed For Looks also short-listed in the Champion Stakes
Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM and CH Designed For Looks took second place in their first Brace Stakes of the year

June 22nd - Blackpool CH Show
Oh dear - what a nightmare for everyone today
Gusts of winds up to 72 miles per hour by 2.30pm - leading to the Show Management having to cancel the show
This is a shot of the Best in Show Tent that had been held up by 4 Tractors in the morning but eventually gave way in the afternoon - all fellow Boxer Exhibitors made it safely out of our tent however news in afterwards that it didn't last much longer and was in the air
Sadly there were some casualties within the Show but as yet don't know to what degree (believed to be in the catering department)
Prior to the show ending we had shown Newlaithe On Target who was VHC in Yearling, Magical Trick reserve in Graduate and CH Newlaithe Look At Me a good third in Open Dog
Dancing with Newlaithe had been seen in Yearling but that is when we were told to leave so the Judge never got to place his dogs
What a bad day for all concerned

June 14th - Border Union CH Show
A long trek this weekend to Kelso where our Judge was Ruth Perrett
Newlaithe On Target made the cut in a very large strong Post Graduate class (at only 17 months) and So Attractive took third in Junior

June 10th - Three Counties CH Show
Down to Malvern today where our judge was Miss Lynn Mair (Glenauld)
Newlaithe On Target made the cut in Junior Dog, CH Newlaithe Look At Me reserve in Open, Dancing with Newlaithe reserve in Yearling, CH Designed for Looks second in Open behind the CC winner and our star for the day (who hasn't been shown for a while) So Attractive winning a very strong Junior class

June 8th - Ashfield Open Show
A local show today in Nottingham where our Breed judge was Mr Barry Orr (N Ireland)
Easy day today as only entered Newlaithe On Target, who won the Junior class and went on to win BEST OF BREED
In a strong, large Working Group, judged by Mrs Fran Kay, Newlaithe On Target took
Thank you to both judges for thinking so highly of 'Boyd'

June 1st - Southern Counties CH Show
All the way to Newbury today but not quite as far to travel as our Judge Mr Piet Rossenboom (Belgium)
Newlaithe On Target was second in a very strong Junior Dog class, and very happy to say his spookiness completely disappeared, Magical Trick won Maiden Dog and CH Newlaithe Look At Me, making a rare appearance was third in another strong Open Class
Dancing with Newlaithe took third in Yearling qualifying her for Crufts 2009 with Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM, in her very first Open class at a CH Show took fourth place beating Champions along the way!
Newlaithe Lilibet with Paxis took a fantastic second place in Post Graduate (with the highest entry for the day!) - and fantastic news for The Mewett's and Betsy as not only did this mean qualifying for Crufts 2009 but also the winner of the class took the Bitch CC meaning Betsy challenged for the Reserve CC - even though it wasn't her day today she looked fantastic - well done to Vicky & Bets (and John & Bernie for their total support)

May 2008

May 29th - Staffordshire Agricultural Open Show
A pleasant 2-day Agricultural Show held at Stafford with our Judge Mrs Marjorie Calland
Unfortunately Newlaithe On Target got seriously spooked and the Judge was unable to go over him - he took second in Junior, however Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM, never letting the side down, won Open Bitch followed by Best of Breed
Hot on her Heels was Newlaithe Hot Heels (!) who won Post Graduate
In the working Group, judged by Roger Maundale Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM took Working Group 3

May 17th - Scottish Kennel Club CH Show
A long trek up to Edinburgh today where our Judge was Mr Chris Kray (Klanstead)
We only had On Target and Just Stunning entered today so a relatively easy day!
Newlaithe On Target won Junior Dog, qualifying him for Crufts 2009 and then made the final 4 for the Dog CC
Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won her last ever Limit Class (now has to join the girls in Open!) and again in the final 4 for the Bitch CC
Newlaithe On Target also took third in the PetPlan Junior Stakes out of an entry of 26 judged by Mr M Philips (Jaeva)

More overseas news just In from Holly Lucky Lady at Newlaithe (sired by Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe)
Holly won another Best Puppy in Breed followed by Best Puppy in Group 2
And for her final Puppy class yet another Best Puppy in Breed followed by Reserve Best Puppy in Group 2
This little girl is flying the flag for the Stafrace family and Newlaithe in Malta so very well

May 9th - Birmingham National
(Newlaithe will be missing this one due to being in the States taking in The ABC (American Boxer Club) which lasts for 5 days (just a little longer than one of our CH Shows!)
Now back in our homeland - and simply WOW - the Americans know how to do it - we look forward to getting back in the ring over the next few weeks

May 5th - North West Canine Association
Today Sarah (Pure Illusion's new owner/handler) went to North West Canine Association where Pure Illusion (sired by Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe) won her class and went on to win BEST OF BREED
Well done to both Sarah and Flo

May 3rd - Tyne, Wear & Tees Boxer Club CH Show
We traveled 'Up North' today for the TW&Ts Championship Show where our Judges were Margaret Sandilands (Hillroy) for the Dogs and Rita Tucker (Abythorn) for the Bitches
Magical Trick won Junior Dog and Newlaithe On Target won Debutante Dog
In the bitches So Attractive took third in Novice, Dancing with Newlaithe reserve in Graduate and our Star today Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won Limit Bitch
In the Challenges both boys put on a sterling performance but no further awards
In the bitch Challenge Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won her first

April 25th - WELKS
Our judge today was Mr Walker Miller (Walkon) - we only had 2 entered today and although both Magical Trick and So Attractive made the cut in their respective classes neither made a final place

April 20th - Merseyside Boxer Club CH Show
Over to Liverpool today for the Merseyside's Championship Show
Our judges today were Mrs Mandy Laidlaw (Roamaro) for the Dogs and Mr Knut Anderson (Norway) for the Bitches
Newlaithe On Target won Novice Dog and although only 3 in his class we were thrilled when he was pulled into the last 6 for the Challenge Certificate
In the bitches Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM was second in Limit (behind the Reserve CC winner) and CH Designed for Looks by Newlaithe reserve in a strong Open class
Pure Illusion, now in her new home and with her new handler, put on a sterling job and took fifth in Junior Bitch in the second largest class of the day (22 entries) - WELL DONE to Sarah & Flo (Pure Illusion)

April 19th - Sheffield Bull Breeds
A local show for us today where our Judge for the Boxers - Mr John Purnell
Newlaithe On Target won Junior Dog and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won Open Bitch
In The Challenge against the Best Dog Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won Best of Breed
Later in the day we challenged all the other Best of Breed winners for Best in Show under the same judge
Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM put on a sterling performance and won
* * * BEST IN SHOW * * *
What a wonderful day and many thanks to the Judge Mr John Purnell

April 13th - Northern Boxer Club CH Show
As this Show is where I am the Secretary we don't enter all of the Team
Our Judges today were Ann Ingram (Tirkane) for Dogs and Julie Cook (Manic) for Bitches
Newlaithe On Target took fifth place in Debutante and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM third in Limit

April 12th - Bolsover & District Canine Society
A small open show today at Newark, where are Judge was t.b.c.
Newlaithe On Target won Junior and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won Open
In the Challenge Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM took Best of Breed and Newlaithe On Target Reserve Best of Breed

April 6th - Mancunian Boxer Club CH Show
Today we traveled fairly local over to Manchester where our Judges today were Debbie Theaker for the Dogs and Barbara Murray for the Bitches
In the dogs Magical Trick took VHC in a strong Junior class and Newlaithe On Target reserve in Novice
In the bitches So Attractive made the cut in the largest class of the day (23 entries) in Junior and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won Limit
In the Challenge Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM once again took the

March 30th - Essex & Eastern CH Show
So the clocks move an hour forward and we have a long journey so very little sleep and off down to Godmanchester where our Judges today were Rita Tucker (Dogs) and Sagra Tonkin (Bitches)
In the dogs Magical Trick took third in Puppy and Newlaithe On Target third in Novice
Very Attracted to Newlaithe (owned by Sleipnir Boxers) took second in Junior Dog
In the bitches Pure Illusion won Puppy, Dancing with Newlaithe won Graduate, Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won Limit and CH Designed for Looks second in Open
In the Challenge Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM took the

March 23rd - Pinxton Open Show
After failing miserably on an attempt to raise money for Boxer Rescue due to the severe snow at 5am!!! We decided to head towards Newark later in the morning where our Judge today was Robert Vanston (Vanderob)
Newlaithe On Target took second in Junior and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won Open and Reserve Best of Breed

March 16th - The Scottish Boxer Club CH Show
Back to the normal run of shows once again - today we set off to Dumfries for The Scottish Boxer Club's Championship Show. Our Judges today were Miss Clare Kay (Seacrest) - dog and Mr Mark Johnston (Blueprint, Australia) - bitches
In the dogs Magical Trick took third place in Puppy, Newlaithe On Target reserve in Novice and CH Newlaithe Look At Me reserve in Open Dog
In the bitches, Pure Illusion made the cut in Puppy as did Dancing with Newlaithe, So Attractive took second place in Novice and Best Head in Class, Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM fifth in Limit and Newlaithe Hot Heels (handled by co-owner Mr Arthur Ainsworth) took second place (behind the Reserve CC winner)

March 8th - Crufts

The greatest Dog Show in the World - it may well be just not for us the exhibitors!
You can not get to your ring, you can not get to your benches, you have a 3 mile trek from the car park and you are not allowed to leave before 4pm - hey ho
Our results for the day were Magical Trick placed fifth in Special Puppy, under breed specialist Pam Broughton, sadly Newlaithe On Target did not attend as he was poorly
In the bitches, our judge was breed specialist Janice Mair (Glenauld), where Pure Illusion made the cut in Special Puppy, So Attractive was placed fourth in Special Junior, Dancing with Newlaithe a lovely third in the largest class of the day - Graduate (32 entries), Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM took third in a very strong Limit Class and CH Designed for Looks third in Open
Our star for the day was Pauline Taylor who entered Dancing with Newlaithe in the Good Citizens class and handled be herself took first prize which was fantastic

March 1st - BOSCARS
What a night - never mind the showing side the evening is just fab - highly recommend to anyone who hasn't sampled the social side of the Boxer world before
Dancing with Newlaithe qualified for the Puppy of the Year and CH Newlaithe Look At Me for Dog of the Year
Sadly neither were placed this year but both put on sterling performances and did not let the Newlaithe side down - here's to next year!

February 24th - Mancunian Open Show
Another day out today supporting The Mancunian Boxer Club (dogs and handler very tired!)
Our judge for the Special Puppy Event was Miss Suzanne Carter (Susancar) who awarded Magical Trick and Pure Illusion third in their respective classes
In the Open Show our judge was Mrs Viv Mathews (Brubor) who awarded Magical Trick second, Newlaithe On Target first, Pure Illusion reserve, So Attractive (once again handled by John) reserve and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM first
In the Challenge Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM went on to win BEST BITCH and once again RESERVE BEST IN SHOW (two days on the trot!)

February 23rd - Matlock & District Canine Open Show
An All-Breed Open Show at Newark Showground where our Breed Judge was Mrs Kerry Hobson (Nickerbox)
So Attractive won second in Puppy (handled by the youngest edition of the Newlaithe Team - John)
Newlaithe On Target first in Junior, Dancing with Newlaithe third in Graduate and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM first in Open
In the Challenge Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM took BEST OF BREED
Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM then went into the Working Group for the Boxers, which was judged by the famous Mrs Ferelith Somerfield and won WORKING GROUP ONE
Then to top the day off out of 752 dogs RESERVE BEST IN SHOW

February 16th - Midland Boxer Club CH Show
Magical Trick does it again
Our judges today were Mr Roel Venema (Holland) dogs and Mrs Dawn Pilling (Nateez) bitches
Magical Trick won Puppy Dog, Newlaithe On Target reserve in Novice Dog
Pure Illusion made the cut in Puppy Bitch, So Attractive VHC in Novice (again in a class full of much older and maturer girls) and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM made the cut in Limit Bitch
Magical Trick went on to win Best Puppy Dog and Reserve Best Puppy in Show

February 3rd - Merseyside Boxer Club Limit Show
Another good day today in both the main Show and Special Puppy Event
Our judge for the Special Puppy Event was Mrs Wendy Brooks (Jinnybrux) who awarded Magical Trick first, litter sister Pure Illusion first and So Attractive second
Magical Trick went on to win Best Special Puppy Dog and then
In the main Show our Judge was Mrs Maria Harding (Pringham) who awarded Magical Trick first in Puppy Dog and Pure Illusion second in Puppy Bitch. Newlaithe On Target third in Junior Dog, So Attractive second in Junior Bitch and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM first in Open Bitch
In the Challenges Magical Trick won Best Puppy Dog and Reserve Best Dog overall
Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won Reserve Best Bitch
To top it all Magical Trick then went on to win

News Just In
Holly Lucky Lady at Newlaithe (another puppy sired by Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe) now resides in Malta
Holly attended her first Show at the tender age of 6 months and won Best Puppy in Breed at The Malta Kennel Club Championship Show (CAC) under an Italian Judge Prof Sonia Falletti followed by Reserve Best Puppy in the Working Group
What an excellent start for this little girl - we wish the Stafrace family all the best in their next shows

January 26th - The Anglian Boxer Club CH Show
Well what can I say about today - not much except what a fantastic day all round
Firstly in the Dogs, our Judge was Mrs Sagra Tonkin (Tonantron) who awarded Magical Trick first in Puppy, qualifying him for Crufts 2009, and Newlaithe On Target second in Novice. In the Challenge for Best Puppy Magical Trick won Best Puppy Dog
In the bitches, our Judge was Mr Peter Foster (Boxhaven, Australia) he awarded Pure Illusion third in Puppy, another qualified for Crufts 2009, Dancing with Newlaithe first in Graduate and CH Designed for Looks first in Open Bitch
In the Challenge CH Designed for Looks took the Bitch CC (her 5th)
CH Designed for Looks challenged the Dog CC winner and with both judges joint decision won

* * * BEST IN SHOW * * *

Magical Trick challenged the Bitch Puppy winner and again with both judges joint decision won

* * * BEST PUPPY IN SHOW * * *

It doesn't get much better than that for a day at the dog show!

January 17th - Manchester CH Show
Our judge today was Miss Jean Grandfield (Bontrapu). Magical Trick and Newlaithe On Target made the cut in Puppy and Junior. So Attractive won third in Puppy (qualifying her for Crufts 2009) and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM was second in Limit
Newlaithe Hot Heels (in partnership with Arthur Ainsworth) won first in a strong Post Graduate class again qualifying for Crufts 2009

January 13th - The Trent Boxer Club Open Show
Another good day for Newlaithe - in the Special Puppy Event Pure Illusion gained second in a strong age class and So Attractive third both judged by Mrs Eileen Clare. In the Open Show under Mrs Denise Barrett, Newlaithe On Target was third in Junior (in with the big boys now!), Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM a respectable second in Open Bitch (behind a Champion), Pure Illusion another second once again in a very strong class and So Attractive although second in Junior, she was eligible to compete against the Puppy winners and won Best Puppy Bitch and Reserve Best Puppy in Show

January 13th - Southampton Canine Association
Very Attracted to Newlaithe (owned by Sleipnir Boxers) wins Best Puppy in Breed, Working Puppy Group 1 and Reserve Best Puppy in Show - what an excellent day for Sleipnir

January 4th - Boston CH Show
Well what a good day Newlaithe had today at Newark showground (even though it was bitterly cold all day!)
Our breed judge was Mrs Barbara Wilkinson who awarded Newlaithe On Target first in Puppy Dog, So Attractive second in Puppy Bitch, Dancing with Newlaithe first in Junior Bitch and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM first in Limit Bitch
Newlaithe On Target went on to win Best Puppy in Breed and in the final five for Day 1's Best Puppy in Show under Mrs Jill Peak - what a fantastic result in his last puppy class of his career!
Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM went on to win Best Bitch and then Best of Breed
CH Designed for Looks once again exhibited in the Champion Stakes and was placed a very respectable second under Mr Nev Newton - this time we were behind the top winning Australian Shepherd

January 1st - The Northern Boxer Club Open Show
The first Show of the New Year started very nicely - in the Special Puppy Event our Judge Mrs Jackie Drew awarded Magical Trick second, Newlaithe On Target first and Pure Illusion first
In the Open Show, the Judge Mrs Marion McArdle, awarded Pure Illusion first in Minor Puppy and litter brother Magical Trick in Minor Puppy Dog first, Best Puppy Dog and Reserve Best Puppy in Show
Newlaithe On Target second in Puppy, Conjuror first in Post Graduate and Reserve Best Dog in Show. Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM first in Limit and Reserve Best Bitch in Show

Newlaithe's Show Results - 2007

December 2007

December 27th - Sleaford & District Canine Society
Another local All Breed Open Show at Newark where are Breed judge was Mr John Wallis who awarded Newlaithe On Target first in Puppy and Best Puppy in Breed. Under the Working Group Judge, Mr Kevin Young, Newlaithe On Target went on to win Working Puppy Group 1 - what an excellent day. Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM was second in Open

December 15th - Lincoln Canine Association
A local All breed Open Show today for us with our breed judge Marie Monk (Rottweiller breeder/exhibitor) she awarded Newlaithe On Target second in puppy, Dancing with Newlaithe second in Junior and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM second in Open. We then showed the again in the AV Working under the Working Group Judge Mrs Sue Irving who awarded Newlaithe On Target first in AV Puppy and Dancing with Newlaithe third in AV Junior

December 7th - LKA CH Show
After starting very well in the first class with Very Attracted to Newlaithe (owned by Sleipnir Boxers) being placed second and Magical Trick third we made the cut with Pure Illusion, Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM and Dancing with Newlaithe but no final placings

December 2nd - Cotswold CH Show
Another early start in the dark, cold morning - but hey ho!
Our judges today were Mr Nigel Rallings (awarding CCs for the first time) undertaking the Dogs - who pulled Magical Trick into his last 7 but then no more - it was a very large Minor Puppy class so we were very pleased - especially as that was the only male we had entered
In the bitches it was Frank Kane who had the biggest entry of all year so any place was going to be good
So Attractive showed in the Puppy Class today and although she is still eligible for Minor Puppy put on a sterling performance with 27 other puppies and was awarded VHC
CH Designed for Looks performed like a star today in Open Bitch amongst 10 other Champions she was also awarded VHC
Newlaithe in general had a very good day
Firstly in Minor Puppy Dog Very Attracted (owned and handled by Sleipnir Boxers) was second, Hot Heels (handled by Arthur Ainsworth) also took second place in Under-Graduate amongst 24 other entries
Newlaithe Lilibet (owned and handled by Vicky Mewett) also took second place in Post Graduate with an entry of 25 and qualified for Crufts 2008 - an excellent achievement after winning her way out of all the non-qualifying classes
Today's star was my little Heidi - Newlaithe Game On at Farfield (owned and handled by James Whitfield) who won Maiden Bitch with an entry of 16 - she looked fantastic and has settled in really well at her new home

November 18th - The Merseyside Boxer Club Open Show
After an exhausting day yesterday (over 400 miles and a very early start!) we still supported The Merseyside in both the Special Puppy Event and the main Open Show
The Special Puppy Event was judged by Mr P Whitaker who awarded Magical Trick third, Newlaithe On Target second and Pure Illusion second
In the main show our judge was Mrs Fearn Pynegar who awarded Magic Trick third, Newlaithe On Target third, Pure Illusion first, So Attractive third Dancing with Newlaithe first

November 17th - South Wales Boxers Club Championship Show
To day we traveled all the way down to Cardiff for South Wales CH Show - we hadn't entered any of our males as Mr Arthur Ainsworth was the judge for the day (and we have a bitch in partnership with him) - so Pauline Taylor (owner) entered CH Newlaithe Look At Me however Arthur had a bad fall earlier in the week so we gave him a lift to the show which resulted in Look At Me being withdrawn. So it was a very easy day with just 2 girls entered under Carol Schofield
Pure Illusion once again made the cut out of a large Minor Puppy class and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM was third in Limit Bitch

November 10th - South Western Boxer Club Championship Show
So today we set off at another uncalled for hour in the morning to Weston-Super-Mare where the judges were Bruce Cattanach (Dogs) and Andrew Brace (Bitches)
Pure Illusion again in a huge Minor Puppy class made the cut, Dancing with Newlaithe was a respectable second in Novice and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM was also second in Limit (to the Reserve CC winner)
The star of today's show was Newlaithe Very Attracted (owned by Nadine Phelps) who won Minor Puppy Dog, Best Puppy Dog and Best Puppy in Show

November 4th - Working & Pastoral Breeds Association of Scotland
Today we traveled all the way up to Edinburgh to the Highland Centre at Ingliston
Our judge today was Mr Stuart Lockwood-Brown (Shiloh)
The day started off very well with Magical Trick gaining second in Minor Puppy and qualifying him for Crufts (that's all the team qualified now for Crufts 2008 - 9 dogs in total!!!)
Newlaithe On Target gained VHC in Puppy and CH Newlaithe Look At Me third in his final Limit Class
In the bitches So Attractive gained reserve in Puppy and Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM VHC in Limit
The star of the show today was Dancing with Newlaithe who won a very strong Junior class and was pulled into the last 4 for the Bitch CC

November 3rd - Grantham & District Canine Open Show
A good start to the month, So Attractive was placed second in the breed class under our Judge for the day, Dale Marshall-Curtis and went on to win the Minor Puppy Stakes class under Carl Johnson
Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM won Open and Best of Breed followed by Working Group Group 4 (Keith Bloom) - this gave Hayley her final 2 points needed for her Show Certificate of Merit
Once again CH Designed for Looks entered the Champion Stakes (under Carl Johnson) and won
What a good day!

October 27th - Midland Counties Championship Show
Today our Judge was Julie Brown (Winuwuk)
Julie awarded Newlaithe On Target with a VHC in Puppy Dog (11 entries) and Newlaithe Just Stunning a VHC in Limit BItch (14 entries)
Pure Illusion made the cut in Minor Puppy Bitch out of 26 entries
Very Attracted (owned by Sleipnir Boxers) won the Minor Puppy Dog class (22 entries)
Newlaithe Hot Heels (owned in Partnership with Mr Arthur Ainsworth) gained a respectable VHC in Post Graduate Bitch (19 entries)

However the star of the day was CH Designed for Looks by Newlaithe who was entered in the Champion Stakes under Mrs Ferelith Somerfield - out of an entry of 31 she was second together with £75.00 prize money - guess whose paying for dinner tonight!!!

October 20th - London & Home Counties Boxer Club Championship Show
Today's judges were Sid Reilly (Dogs) and Terry Nethercott (Bitches)
First in the ring Minor Puppy Bitch - the biggest class of the day with 30 entries
Pure Illusion (at her first CH Show) had a fantastic day placed 3rd and qualified for Crufts on her first outing
Newlaithe On Target was also placed 3rd in Puppy (12 entries)
CH Newlaithe Look At Me was reserve in Limit Dog (12 entries)

October 13th - Ashfield & District Open Show
Our judge for Boxers today was Mr James Whitfield (Farfield)
Pure Illusion (at only her second show and first one on grass - yes it was outside!!) was second in Puppy
Newlaithe Just Stunning won the Open class followed by Best of Breed
We then waited (and waited) for the Working Group, judged by Mr Mark Boswell (Marquell) - out of a strong group we were awarded with Working Group 3

October 7th - The Northern Boxer Club Limit Show
The judges were Debbi Huggins (Daervlish) for the Special Puppy Event and Steve McArdle (McArmadale) for the Limit Show
Magical Trick was third and fourth in Special Puppy 6-8 and Minor Puppy (respectively) - this being his very first show up against some very nice puppies
Pure Illusion was second and fourth again in Special Puppy 6-8 and Minor Puppy (respectively) this was also her first Show and we were thrilled to be second in a class of 10
So Attractive was also placed second in Puppy and Conjuror won Post Graduate Dog
Dancing with Newlaithe won the Novice class together with Newlaithe Just Stunning winning Open Bitch followed by Best Bitch and Reserve Best in Show

October 6th - The Trent Boxer Club Championship Show
The dog judge for the day was Jenny Livy (Britroys) who awarded Newlaithe On Target with second in Minor Puppy Dog (behind the puppy who went BPIS) and CH Newlaithe Look At Me won the Limit Dog class
In the bitches the judge was Mandy Laidlaw (Roamaro) who had 35 in Minor Puppy Bitch! So Attractive made the cut but no further. Dancing with Newlaithe was a respectable second in Debutante and Newlaithe Just Stunning also second in Limit behind the Bitch CC winner
Very Attracted (owned by Sleipnir Boxers) also made the cut in Minor Puppy Dog under Jenny Livy out of another good entry of 29 puppies

CH Galicar Designed for Looks by Newlaithe - wins Open Bitch and Reserve Challenge Certificate at East of England Championship Show, qualified for The Cotswold Dog of the Year Event
(The Boscars) held in March 2007 where 'Daisie' was

Newlaithe Just Stunning
- Best Bitch and Reserve Best in Show at The Northern Boxer Club Limit Show, Reserve Best Bitch at The Essex and Eastern Open Show, Last 4 for the CC at Leeds Championship Show, Last 4 for the CC at Windsor Championship Show, Best of Breed and WORKING GROUP 4 at Honley Show Society, Best of Breed and WORKING GROUP 2 at Coventry & District Kennel Associated, Best of Breed and WORKING GROUP 4 at Eastwood & District Canine Society, Last 4 for the CC at The Mancunian Boxer Club Championship Show, Reserve Best in Show at The Merseyside Limit Show, Best in Show at The Trent Boxer Club Open Show

Newlaithe Game On
- Qualifies for Crufts 2008 at Blackpool, Reserve Best of Breed at Cheshire County Show, Best Puppy Bitch and Reserve Best Puppy in Show at The Northern Boxer Club Open Show

Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe - Reserve Best Dog at The Mancunian Boxer Club Open Show, Qualifies for Crufts 2008 at SKC

Newlaithe On Target - Wins the Minor Puppy Dog Stakes at Darlington CH Show, Best Special Puppy Dog and Reserve Best Special Puppy in Show AND Best Puppy Dog and Reserve Best Puppy in Show at The Essex & Eastern Open Show and Special Puppy Event

Newlaithe On Target (on the right)
Reserve Best Special Puppy in Show and Reserve Best Puppy in Show
(photo courtesy of Lisa Sanger)

So Attractive by Newlaithe - makes her debut at Darlington and wins Best Puppy Bitch in Breed followed by her first CH Show at Driffield and qualifies for Crufts 2008

Newlaithe's 2007 BRACE TEAM : CH Designed for Looks and Just Stunning
Uphold their winning position in the brace at Bakewell Agricultural Show under Mrs Liz Cartledge - winners 2 years in a row now!

Newlaithe Hot Heels (in partnership with Mr A Ainsworth) - Wins Post Graduate Bitch at Birmingham City CH Show, Best of Breed at York Canine Open Show, Best Bitch and Best in Show at The Cotswold Open Show

Newlaithe Look At Me - now CHAMPION Newlaithe Look At Me
CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE and BEST OF BREED at Belfast Championship Show, Best Dog and Best in Show at The Anglian Boxer Club, CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE and Reserve Best in Show at The Midland Boxer Club Championship Show, Best of Breed and Final 4 for Best in Show at Boston's First Championship Show, Reserve Best Dog and Reserve Best in Show at The Northern Boxer Club Open Show
CH Newlaithe Look At Me Best in Show The Anglian Boxer Club - May 2007

Kreusevint Dancing with Newlaithe
- Reserve Best Bitch at The Mancunian Boxer Club Open Show, Best Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy in Breed at Leeds CH Show, Best Puppy Bitch at Blackpool Championship Show, Best Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy in Show at The Mancunian Boxer Club Championship Show, Best Puppy Bitch and Reserve Best Puppy in Show at The Merseyside Limit Show

Newlaithe's Show Results - 2006
Designed for Looks by Newlaithe - now CHAMPION Galicar Designed for Looks by Newlaithe
and BEST OPPOSITE SEX at LKA Championship Show under Mrs Janice Mair - December 2006
Critique from Janice Mair - Two year red & white bitch what a superb moving bitch she just powers round the ring effortlessly excellent front reach and powerful drive. Elegant body with good depth and spring of rib correct topline and tailset. Reachy neck laid into correctly angulated shoulders. Pleasing balanced head with just right amount of padding good mouth and excellent dentition. Pleased to award her the CC
BITCH CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE and RESERVE BEST IN SHOW at The Cotswold Championship Show under Mrs Liz Cartledge - December 2006
Critique from Liz Cartledge - "Truly amazing class, one of the best classes I have ever judged in any breed.  Galicar Designed for Looks by Newlaithe.  R/W I could not take my eyes off her, in great form and muscle tone, perfect silhouette posed and on the move, short back, has that air of nobility, focused showgirl with good ring presence, lovely head and expression, dark eyes, confident and ready to show off, oozing class and quality and she arched that delicious neck of hers whenever I glanced in her direction, good front and forechest, bone, legs and feet, today was her day, having won this great class she came back into the challenge, stepped up a gear and really took over proceedings, never took a wrong step, agile and free striding, it gave me a lot of pleasure awarding her the CC, her third and a little later RBIS"
BITCH CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE and BEST OF BREED at Richmond Championship Show under Breed Specialist Mrs Sandra Carter (Susancar) - September 2006
Best of Breed with the agreement of David Spencer and pulled into the last 9 of the Working Group under Mrs Karina Le Mare
Critique from Sandra Carter - "was really impressed with this red/white. Well proportioned head with good muzzle to scull ratio, good depth of muzzle. Pleasing expression. Lovely arched neck, stands foresquare with strong front, legs and feet. Well angulated shoulder, correct depth of brisket, good topline, tailset and neat tuckup. Strong well angulated quarters. Showed and handled well, coping well with the heat. Moved with drive and purpose. Pleased to award her the BCC and with the agreement of my co-judge BOB"
BITCH CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE and Reserve Best in Show at The Northern Boxer Club's Championship Show under Mr Ellis Hulme - April 2006
Critique from Ellis Hulme - "balanced, squarely built, feminine, yearling, full of breed type and quality, attractive head eye and expression, fine ears correctly placed and carried, well set lengthy crested neck, good shoulder, upper arm and forechest, nicely boned straight forearms, strong gently sloping back, good buttocks and rear angulation with low hocks, effortless, ground covering, driving gait, first class attitude and carriage, in best coat and condition".
4th TOP UK PUPPY FOR 2005 at The Mancunian Pup Of The Year Event April 2006 (Boscars)
This is based on the Top 12 winning Dog and Top 12 winning Bitch puppies throughout 2005 competing in this prestigious event to finally arrive with the Top 2 of each Sex - fantastic to be placed 4th overall
Best of Breed and WORKING GROUP 2 at Leicester Canine Society and Best of Breed and WORKING GROUP 2 at West Torrington Canine Society
Newlaithe's 2006 BRACE TEAM : Designed for Looks and Just Stunning

The above pictures shows the girls in action

On their first outing together the girls win the Brace Class at Windsor Championship Show under Dr R James,
followed by winning the Brace at Bakewell Agricultural Show under Mr Ronnie Irvine

Yet again the duo win the Brace class at The Scottish Kennel Club under Mr Moray Armstrong AND AGAIN
the duo win the Brace at Darlington Championship Show under Mrs Sylvia Bunting

Newlaithe Hot Heels
- Best Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy in Show - Anglian Championship Show
Best Puppy Bitch and Reserve Best Puppy in Show - Trent Boxer Club

Newlaithe Look At Me - Best of Breed, WORKING GROUP 1 and RESERVE BEST IN SHOW - Bridgeford & District Canine Society
Best of Breed and WORKING GROUP 1 - Honley Show

Newlaithe Game On
- Best Puppy in Breed at Nidderdale Agricultural Open Show, Best Puppy in Breed and PUPPY WORKING GROUP 4 at Lincoln Canine Society
Heidi wins her first Championship Show Minor Puppy Class under Mrs Kari Wilberg with an entry of 25

Newlaithe Just Stunning - Best of Breed and WORKING GROUP 4 at Coventry (Foleshill) Canine Society
Last 4 for the Bitch CC at The South Wales Boxer Club Championship Show under Kari Wilberg
Newlaithe's Show Results - 2005

Newlaithe Look at Me - CRUFTS DOG CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE and BEST OF BREED under Breed Specialist Mrs Denise Mastaglio
Pulled into last 7 of the Working Group under Brenda Banbury

Newlaithe Just Stunning - WELSH CH Show RESERVE BITCH CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE under Mrs Margaret Everton

Newlaithe Dusty Nation - The Mancunian Boxer Club Best In Show, The Merseyside Boxer Club Best In Show and numerous All Breed Open Show Best of Breeds

Galicar Designed for Looks by Newlaithe - The TRENT Boxer Club Dog of the Year, Working Puppy Group 2 at Three Counties CH Show (Liz Cartledge) after going Best Puppy in Breed (Janice Mair) and Working Puppy Group 4 at Working & Pastoral CH Show (Joyce Collis) after going Best Puppy in Breed (Steve Hall), qualified for The Mancunian Puppy of the Year Event to be held in April 2006 and Working Group Placed (All Breeds Open)

This picture shows Designed for Looks (Daisie) and Conjuror (Diesel) at The Dog of the Year (plus the Veteran entry Duke)
Daisie pictured in the center with Diesel on the right

Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe - The TRENT Boxer Club Puppy of the Year and WORKING PUPPY GROUP 2 (All Breeds Open), Driffield CH Show ProPlan Working Puppy Dog Stakes Winner

Newlaithe Lilibet - Best Puppy in Breed at Driffield CH Show

Newlaithe Hot Heels - Best Puppy in Breed and WORKING PUPPY GROUP WINNER (All Breeds Open)