Click on their images for further details or Newlaithe's Show Team

Crime Squad Newlaithe

Sire: Newlaithe Respect JW
Dam: Newlaithe CID
Newlaithe Respect JW

Sire: CH Lanfrese Argento
Dam: Newlaithe Wandaron
Diddle On Newlaithe JW

Sire: Newlaithe Diddle On ShCM
Dam: Newlaithe Pureoco JW
Newlaithe Absolute Bug

Sire: Newlaithe Bug On JW ShCM
Dam: Newlaithe Pureoco JW
CH Nashville at Newlaithe

Sire: Newlaithe Bug On JW ShCM
Dam: Newlaithe Pure Magic

Newlaithe Pureoco JW

Sire: CH Lanfrese Ocolardo
Dam: CH Pure Target with Newlaithe JW

Newlaithe CID

Sire: CH Galicar Investigating with Limubox JW
Dam: Newlaithe Pureoco JW

Newlaithe Suited N'booted with Lefergo JW 'Erik'

Sire: Newlaithe Diddle On ShCM
Dam: Lanfrese Suits Newlaithe

Newlaithe Super Natural JW

Sire: Newlaithe Bug On JW ShCM
Dam: Newlaithe Pure Magic

Erbo Excellence with Newlaithe

Picture to follow

Owned in partnership with
Amanda O'Neill

Sire: Newlaithe Respect JW
Dam: Newlaithe CID

Airwaves from Newlaithe

Owned by Megan Littlewood
& Susan Bowler

Sire: Newlaithe Respect JW
Dam: Newlaithe CID

Milion Diddles from Newlaithe

Crufts Qualified
Owned by Loretta Harris

Sire: Newlaithe Diddle On ShCM
Dam: Newlaithe Milion Way

Click on their images for further details or Newlaithe's Exported Show Team

Philippine CH
Newlaithe Dooglebox


The Philippines

Sire: CH Newlaithe Dooglebug JW
Dam: Newlaithe On Design JW
Australian CH Opportunity Knocks
from Newlaithe


Sire: CH Burnden Opportunist JW
Dam: Newlaithe Game On at Farfield
Australian SUPREME CH
Targeted by Newlaithe


Sire: CH Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM
Dam: Pure Illusion over Newlaithe
Newlaithe Enchantment DOM

United States
Sire: Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe
Dam: CH Galicar Designed For Looks by Newlaithe
Australian CH Nothin' Shakin'
from Newlaithe


Sire: CH Norwatch Sunhawk Heypresto
Dam: So Attractive by Newlaithe

Maltese CH Holly Lucky Lady

at Newlaithe

Sire: Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe
Dam: Beautiful Brindled Lady

Click on their images for further details or Newlaithe's Rainbow Bridge
Sadly gone but never ever forgotten

CH Newlaithe Dooglebug JW

Sire: Magical Trick from Newlaithe
Dam: Newlaithe Redesigned
Newlaithe Diddle On ShCM

Sire: Stothard Pure Diddle Dokely JW
Dam: Newlaithe Lucianna
Newlaithe Bug On JW ShCM

Sire: CH Newlaithe Dooglebug JW
Dam: Newlaithe On Design JW
Newlaithe Lucianna

Sire: CH Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM
Mystical Power over Newlaithe
Newlaithe Just Meghan

Sire: Newlaithe Leonardo JW
Dam: Newlaithe On Design JW
Newlaithe On Design JW

Sire: CH Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM
Dam: CH Galicar Designed For Looks by Newlaithe

Magic Wand over Newlaithe

Sire: Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe
Dam: Parisienne Wonder at Newlaithe

Newlaithe Fast'n Furious

Sire: Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe
Dam: Newlaithe Lilianna

CH Pure Target with Newlaithe JW

Sire: CH Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM
Dam: Pure Illusion over Newlaithe
CH Newlaithe On Target JW ShCM

Sire: CH Susancar Hugh Bett JW
Dam: Louie Lila at Newlaithe DOM

Newlaithe Conjured Design

Sire: Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe
Dam: CH Galicar Designed For Looks by Newlaithe
Magician's Wonder with Newlaithe

Sire: Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe
Dam: Parisienne Wonder at Newlaithe
CH Galicar Designed for Looks
by Newlaithe


Sire: CH Designer Game at Glenauld
Dam: Newlaithe Look This Way at Galicar
Very Attracted to Newlaithe
2 CCs 4 RCCs


Sire: CH Sleipnir Olaf The Stout
Dam: Newlaithe Attraction
So Attractive by Newlaithe
2 RCCs


Sire: CH Sleipnir Olaf The Stout
Dam: Newlaithe Attraction
CH Newlaithe Just Stunning ShCM

Sire: CH Hilthorn Gold Blend
Dam: Louie Lila at Newlaithe DOM

Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe

Sire: Faerdorn Magician at Sunhawk Norwatch
Dam: Shiloh Time After Time at Cascorike

Louie Lila at Newlaithe Dam of Merit

Sire: Mindenwood The Pearl Fisher
Dam: Newlaithe Gypsy Passion

Newlaithe Dusty Nation

Sire: CH Winuwuk Lust In The Dust
Dam: CH Winuwuk Inspiration of Newlaithe
Magical Trick from Newlaithe

Sire: Faerdorn Conjuror at Newlaithe
Dam: Newlaithe Look Inspired

CH Newlaithe Look At Me

Sire: Bohan Limited Edition at Mindenwood
Dam: Lovely Looker at Newlaithe

CH Winuwuk Inspiration at Newlaithe

Sire: Winuwuk Highland Mist at Glenauld
Dam: CH Winuwuk Jubilation

CH Newlaithe Hot Fashion

Sire: Sp CH Janos De Loermo of Lynpine
Dam: Newlaithe Fashion Print

CH Newlaithe Marietta

Sire: Lynpine Cannon
Dam: Hollie of Newlaithe

CH Newlaithe Quibbler

Sire: Rytonways Tamouray Dark Intrigue
Dam: Hazefield Best Seller of Newlaithe

CH Newlaithe Ariadne

Sire: CH Hazefield Barrister
Dam: Newlaithe Maisu

Newlaithe Maisu Teddygirl

Sire: Avonbard Othello
Dam: Wardrobes